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Hello, just a quick reminder that the characters in the fic does not have anything to do with real people in real world. We are just using ChanBaek name so please do not resent me for writing bad about the characters.
Plus, when this author said 'Fun story' that doesn't completely a fun🌝 those who knows me aware that i love to write some angsts.

"Wanna sleep over at our house today?" Jun asks Analyn as they are about to get into the elevator

"Yeah, I was thinking too. Tomorrow we have early lecture" Analyn says

"Yeah.. I will sleep in Baekhyun's room then"

"Aigoo.. my babe is an upright man"

"Stop with that Ana"

"What you don't l..... Baekhyunnnn!!!!" Ana screams as the elevator door opens and they see Baekhyun fainting in there

"Baekhyun!!!! Hey... Baekhyun!!"

"please don't hit me... please don't hit me..... please don't hit me..... please don't hit me......"

"Jun?" Ana is also freaking out seeing Baekhyun like this all trembling....

"Ana! Help me get Baekhyun on my back! I need to carry him" Jun says

"Aww....awww.." she helps Baekhyun onto Jim's back as they rush to their house

Baekhyun keeps mumbling the same words as he keeps trembling and shaking  and crying

"Ana! Get his medicine in kitchen drawer" Jun says

"Aww... okay.."

After that, Jun gives Baekhyun a medicine to calm him down and get him to sleep.

Ana and Jun sleep in living room
At night, Baekhyun cries out loud and have panic attacks

Jun had to attend to him everytime he heard him start screaming and shouting

After 3 days,

"I will explain again to the school. They told me to bring medical form for absent" Ana says

"He is insisting to go anyway. Let it be. Just note down the lectures and tutorials carefully" Jun says

"Imm, make some lunch for him. I will come back with dinner. Text me if you know what he wanna eats"

"Imm I will. Take care" Jun kisses Ana on her cheek

"Take care, love ya" Ana says and leaves for school

For the past 3 days, Baekhyun has high fevers and panic attacks from time to time.
Jun has to be beside him for all these days so he can't go to school either.

They still don't know what happened but, Jun knows he went to Chanyeol's house for dinner, so something must happen there.

————————Chanyeol's POV———————-

Why.... Don't I see him around since that day?
Is he dead or what?
Or is he quit school?

The fuck .... That was fucking grossed even if I think back.
He was trying to kiss me?

Man, I'm having a cultural shock.

"Nari ya" I say


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