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"Depending on you"

What am I even saying??!!!!!!
What if I offend him?
And.... Why is he looks like a lost puppy?

"Baekhyun..... I....."

*Phone Rings*

"Go answer it first..." he says and he went upstairs to his bedroom

I check the ID and it's from Jun.
Why he has to be calling at this timeeeeee?!!!!

B - aww.. Jun-naa

J - I will come and pick you up

B - what? What do you mean?

J - you lied to your mother that I was sick? And you are at his house making him food? Baekhyun! Are you out of your mind?!

B - Jun...

J - I'm coming right now so come down when I call you again

B - I won't

J - what?!

B - I won't... come back for awhile.

J - Byun Baekhyun...

B - he.... He needs me....

J - he's toxic to you! Don't you get it? He will just hurt you.

B - he.... He changed...


B - Jun.... I'm... im happy that... he is needing me right now... Jun-naa.... I think I really love him.

J - ..........

B - I'm .... Sorry....

J - so what about me?

B - what do you mean?

J - ....... Nothing... I will come and pick you up around evening so you must come back with me

*End Call*

What the.... What is wrong with Jun?
He is very moody these days and he always ends up quarrelling with Ana too.
Ana is also crying these days ... urgh.... It's bad to be in the middle of couple who are both your friends

"Wait... it is not the time to worry about them." I mumble and follow sunbae to upstairs

He's not in his bedroom...

"done talking?"

.....he..... he just came out of shower... with... just with a towel on his waist 🤧✌️
It's been awhile I last see... I mean.... Wait... am I blushing?


"Aww! Nae?!"

"Why are you shouting?"


"I took a shower because i slept with cold sweats earlier ..."

"Ah... hahaha... of course of course..." Byun Baekhyun.. stop being awkward

"What's wrong? Are you being uncomfortable with me?"

"N....no.... Why?"

"You sound awkward"

Eh.... He... knows..

"It's just... it's been awhile......."

"Awhile what?"

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