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"Here... sunbae" Baekhyun say as he gives me one of his nightwear

"Thank you"

"You can sleep in this room. I will go out and sleep on couch"

"No...... don't...."


"We can share... this bed .... Just one night. Hmm?"

"I... the bed is quite small"

"Is that the only reason?" I ask .. that's unexpected.... He doesn't look angry toward me right now.... But... shy? Is he blushing?

"Come out after you change... Mom is making some tea and snacks for you" he says and leaves his room

Fuck.... Why is he being cute like a girl?
Well; thanks god to his mom.... It wasn't awkward or uncomfortable at all.
His mom really is a nice mother.
And I can see Baekhyun really takes after her.

"Sunb....." he suddenly opens the door "ah, sorry" he blushes

Because I'm half naked trying to wear the shirt

"It's not even first time" I say and smirk

"That... that's not what I meant... come out quick" he says and close the door

*chuckle* "that was unexpected" I mumble
<an: Chanyeol here found Baekhyun extra cute because he was blushing hard to see him shirtless>

After that, I quickly get change and go out to living room.
His mom is waiting for me with some snacks and soju.

Wow..... she's very outgoing person.

"Come and drink Chanyeollie. Tomorrow don't need to rush and go back, right? Just drink and sleep as much as you want" she says

"Nae Eomeoni." I say and sit

"Mom.... Don't drink a lot" Baekhyun says

"I know. I won't. And I have better tolerance than my Baekhyunee." She says

I can't help but smile because it's true

"See, even Chanyeollie knows. Right?"

"Nae Eomeoni. He has a very Low tolerance" I say

"Aish. Whatever. I'm going to shower so don't get drunk a lot okay?!"

"Just go already" she says and pour soju for me

"Ah, thank you, Eomeoni" I say

"Don't be so stiff with me. I'm not those typical mothers who are strict and not flexible."

"I can already feel that Eomeoni"

"You are my Baekhyunee's senior, so, which year are you in now?"

"I'm currently on third year. Actually I would already be graduated but I went to military so.."

"Ah, I see. Our Baekhyunee too. Will have to sever in military but, his health condition might not be stable so, we will be requesting for social worker"


"You know what he is suffering?"

"Nae... panic attacks"

"I see. Bet you are really close with Baekhyunee huh?"

"You could say that Eomeoni. And I know the cause of those panic attacks too"

"He is rare to talk those to random people tho. You are a special one to him, I believe. He's... very soft and kind boy. Always active and fun. No matter what happened in his life. Because of that, I always feel sorry to him. Guilty and.... Wrong. Because I couldn't protect him at that time"

Oh My, Senior (ChanBaek) Where stories live. Discover now