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"Then.... then let's date.. let's start off with dating"

What the hell I was saying?
I must be out of my mind.... I sound fucking desperate for a guy?



What the fuck.... Why is he here?!
Baekhyun even told him and..... he only doesn't want me to know?

"Kris..." Baekhyun says

That Kris walks towards us and pulls Baekhyun away from my hand

"Why are you outside? Isn't it cold?" He asks Baekhyun

"I...I'm.... Fine..." Baekhyun says

"Hey.. don't you see we are talking here right now? Can you fuck off?" I say

"Even from my perspective, I can see how bothered Baek is. I don't think he wants to talk to you" he says


Stop calling him like he's yours!

"Who are you to interfere between us? Who the heck are you to him to talk to me like that?"

"I'm whatever he says I'm."

"Baekhyun... let's ... let's go and talk.. okay?" I say to Baekhyun

"Sunbae, I think... you should go b..."

"Son.... Oh... you got guests? Kris. You are here again. Oh my, what handsome boys you have as your friends." Is that his mom? And she already met Kris before?

"Mom... sorry, I was taking a while" Baekhyun says as he rushes towards his mom

"Annyeonghaseyeo, Eomeoni. I bought lunch for you two." Kris says

"Wow... thanks god .. Hehee. We haven't eaten yet. And you are?" His mom says as she refers to me

"Nice to meet you Eomeoni, I'm Park Chanyeol. I'm Baekhyun's Senior in highschool"

"What a handsome sunbae you have, my son. Both are very handsome and tall too. Chanyeollie right?"

"Nae Eomeoni"

"Are you also visiting Baekhyun?"

"Yes" I say but at the same time "No" Baekhyun answers

"Baekhyun promised to bring me to Bucheon but he left alone so I followed him." I lie

"Oh my son, why did you do that?"

"Sunbae.... You can go back now" Baekhyun says

"Byun baekhyun, did mom teach you to treat someone like that? Come in both of you. Please wait in cafe for awhile and I will cook for you two. Just a few hours for us to close the shop. Plus we will close a bit early. Hehe.." his mom says

"Mom.." Baekhyun tries to stop her

"Nae Eomeoni" I say

"Please take your time Eomeoni" Kris says

Me and that guy sit and wait in their cafe being super awkward.
That Kris guy just keep staring at Baekhyun and that's very much annoying.

And I remember what Baekhyun said a bet.
What bet really?


I quickly check the text that fucker Dongwu sent me that night.

Oh... this...
He saw this .... Huh.

I quickly text Dongwu

'Whatever amount your hospital bill is, I will compensate it. I sent my uncle there today. And what fucking bet are you talking about? I don't recall having a bet with you so fuck off and don't you dare to touch him again'

Oh My, Senior (ChanBaek) Where stories live. Discover now