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"I... I can't say anything but sorry for you Chanyeol ya...." His mother says "I wish..... I wish I had taken you with me. But if you were to grown up with me... you won't be this perfect like the way you are right now...."

"Perfect?" Sunbae says and scoffs a little... "Do you even know what kind of person I have became?

I .... Locked up the one I love because I am scared of them running away from me and abandon me. I always love with doubts that they will definitely run away from me.

In the end.... They all did..."


"If!!" Sunbae raises his voice a little "if I ever grown up with the warmth from you, I would have been a better man. Being rich? What does it do good for me? I wasn't a good man for that person."

Every words he is saying in that spot.... Just weakened me... making me cry more... I wish I could just stand up and hug him right away.

"Chanyeol ya... no matter what it is... I'm still your mother.... Now that we meet each other again.... We can always keep in touch and w...."

"I don't want to... no... I have no rights to.
You are a mother and wife of a new family.
A family that has nothing to do with me.
I wouldn't like it if I were in their place.
So, thank you for mee...."


I hear sunbae stops his conversation as we hear a kid's voice.
I secretly look back the their table and... it's his mother's little kid.

"I think it's time for me to go. Thank you for meeting with me"

"Chanyeol ya... let's... let's keep in touch..." his mother says

"I would prefer not" Sunbae says and I secretly watch him walk out of the lounge

I wipe my tears and stand up
Before I walk pass his mother, I check her and her little kid...


I'm shook when she grabs my hand

"You.... You are the one that Chanyeol was talking right?"

"N..Nae?!! H...how....."

She flashes a sad smile a little "i saw some of your photos when I was watching for him al these years"

"You.... You were also finding him?"

"Which mother abandons her children completely? Even tho, it's hard for him to believe... please take care of him... please....." she begs

"I.... I am going to even if you don't ask me to" I say and run out of the lounge

Where is he?
Where is he?!!!!

And I see him waiting for his car.

He must be very angry or sad or... very sensitive right now.
I am worried he might do something harmful ..
what should I do?
If I walk towards him and talk to him... he will be embarrassed or angry at me.... For nosing into his business

I watch him getting onto his car and after he drives away, I get into taxi and tail him from behind.

Hopefully..... hopefully he's not putting himself and any type of danger.

————————Chanyeol's POV—————-


How lucky for you... that you have someone who you can call and claim as your mother.

How Lucky.

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