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"I ...... fell asleepppppppppppp!!!!" I groan as I look at myself in bathroom mirror

My eyes are so puffy as I slept right away after crying 🥲
Damn.... I look ugly

Earlier in bed, I can smell something delicious so I think sunbae is cooking ...

*flash a smile*

It's been awhile that I last ate his food.
And I'm hungry now. .

I wash up quick and go downstairs.
As I thought... breakfast is served.. or may be brunch ... haha

"It's been awhile..."

"Hmm... for?"

"Your food..."

"Then I hope you eat well now too" he says

"I will eat well" I say and start eating ... as expected.. this is so good.



"You can be chef"

"Is that so?"

"Yeahhhh... your Italian foods are great too.. and Korean food or every random dishes are super tasty"

"May be because I made those for you"

"Wow... that was smooth"

"What was?"

"Your pick up line, sunbae. You sure dated a lot of girls huh"

"Well, i won't deny when it's fact"

"Hahaha.... Very cheeky"

"Baekhyun ya"!


"I answered one of your calls last night. Since it was your friend, Jun. I told him not to worry and he will come and pick you up soon"!

"What? Why would he come?"!

"To pick you up"

"I'm not going back yet!"

"Baekhyun ya...."

"Sunbae... I'm living with you for a few more days"

"You can't... Baekhyun ya...You can't."

"I'm calling him..."

*Ding Dong*

"Don't tell me... he's here?" I say

"Wait here" he says and go open the door

Jun... for real?!!
I really... hate him for that.
I'm not even a kid

"Baekhyun" yeah... it's Jun "let's go back home"
And I can see sunbae standing behind Jun

"Junna.... I'm ... I'm staying here for a few days..."

"Are you out of your mind?!" Jun raises his voice "S...sorry.... I wasn't planning on shouting you...let's just... go back now.. hmm? Mongryong misses you"

"Jun.... I...."

"Kris is also at our house. He's also worried about you."

Why he has to bring up kris in front of sunbae?!

"Let's go back.. hmm?"

"Sunbae...let's assume our 30 minutes talk wasn't complete yet. And please come to school" I say and walk out of his house

Jun follows me and I don't really feel like talking to him at this point.
I'm mad... like really mad at him.

He's trying to control me now.
Or when did he even start influencing me?

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