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That trip... meant a lot to me.
I was able to see sunbae again.
Talk to him...

I heard he went back with morning flight which our college trip flight was in evening.

But thanks god I met him again
I had a chance to say sorry to him.

That's it.
We met and ended.
We are now walking different ways...
As he said, we are just now a perfect stranger.

"Helloooooo my babyyyyyy UwU" Ana shouts as she runs and hugs me as we see again at school finally

"Aigoooo miss me enough huh?" I say

"Aren't you tired? You should rest more" Jun says

"I am fine"

"We saw him today at school" Ana whispers into my ear

"I know."

"What?!" Ana gasps

"Baekhyun... did he contact you?" Jun frowns

"We met at Bali unexpectedly. That's it."

"What?" Jun says

"Well, aren't we suppose to be in class now? Stop asking questions" I say and walk away from both of them.

I want to deal less with them.
It is like shutting down.... All the walls.
Unlike me Right?
I have changed...

And... during past years... I started to keep distance with Jun too.
He.... He's...
*sigh* let it be..
just know that a lot of things happened.

So ...sunbae is at school right now huh.
I wish I would run into him.


We hear a loud voice and all three of them stop walking and look at the direction.

I see sunbae walking and... Moon Beom is beside sunbae ... sticking to him.
Ah right.
Him.... I don't want to see him beside sunbae.

"Wow ... someone got a new lackey" Jun says savagely and walks ahead without waiting for us

"Let's go Baekhyun ya... someone is in bad moon since he saw Chanyeol sunbae" Ana says

"Well... he always is"

———————-Chanyeol's POV———————

"Sunbaeee... let's go eatttt somethingggg"

Fucking annoying kid ... he's been tailing me since morning

"I'm not going"

"Pleaseeeee my treatttt... let's go have some steak.. I'm hungryyyy"

"Not in mood"

"Let's just go" Dongwu says

"Just go by yourself.. kid.. take him" I say

"Ehhh... I wanna go with sunbae too" he whines

"I have class now" I say

"Then I will wait for you... let's go for dinner.. see you!" He says and kisses my cheek and leaves

"What the.... Fuck!"

"Ahhahahaa.. dudeeee just go out with him" Dongwu says after the kid left

"What's with you? You were like an anti-homo club leader and now what?"

"I mean... I became more human. Okay? Duh"

"Whatever... you can go with him alone if you want to"

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