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"Baekhyun ya... don't... don't do it"

Sunbae keeps stopping me as I am keeping my things ... not much but... just a few clothes

"Mongryong... come here"

"Baekhyun!" He says as he grabs my shoulders and pushes me against the wall hard

"Ah!.... It.... Hurts sunbae"

"S..sorry.... Sorry baekhyun ya.... I.... I'm sorry... just.. hear me out okay? That ... what happened is..."

*phone ringing*

Caller ID - Unknown number

I push him away from me and answer the call

B - hello?

Kris - hey...

B - Kris?!

K - yeah. Where are you?

B - at my residence! Where are you? I'm Beijing or back in Seoul? And why new number? Did you lost you old number?

K - no.. I can't contact you will old number so, I tried calling you with new number.

B - is that so?

K - Baek... I'm under your residence. Can you come down for a moment? I have some souvenirs and snacks for you.

B - sure! I will come down now. Wait for a minute Hmm?

K - I will be waiting Baek.

I quickly end the call and about to leave but

"What?! Where are you going? That Kris guy? Why are you meeting him?"

"It's non of your business, sunbae" I say and quickly left his house pulling Mongryong

Don't cry Baekhyun ya...
It is for him... without me, he can just meet with everyone freely.
As Iseul said.... I can't force someone to like me or change because of me.

Sunbae will never change.
He will... never likes me... sincerely.

I just go down to kris with my bag in one hand and Mongryong's leash on the other

Don't cry yet... don't ....

And as soon as I see Kris....



"Hey.. why are you with bag? And Mongryong?"


"Baek.... Are you crying?"

"K..krisssss" I can't hold back anymore but... start crying

"Hey.. what's wrong? What happens Baek? Hmm?" He asks as he pulls me into a hug "I'm here. I'm here now.. you will be okay... I'm here"

"I..... I didn't block you.... I.... I didn't do that... *cries* "

"Is that why you are crying? It's really okay... I know you won't do it. Hmm? Stop crying."

"Kris..... kris.... I'm hurt.... I'm so hurt....."

"Imm... what happened, Baek?"

"Get your hands off him!!"

I look back and.... Why.. why did he follow?

"Baekhyun ya... let's go back" he says and grabs my hand

"Hey... you made him cry. You should step back now" kris says

"Fuck off. You are just a stranger. He's my lover" Sunbae says

Oh My, Senior (ChanBaek) Where stories live. Discover now