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Footsteps approach me... and...


"He's awake?"

"Nae... sorry. He is back to sleep after talking with us. I didn't call you because Jun was still there."

"Ah... okay... I will just wait"

"You can go in and watch him. Jun went back because he had to take things and also Kris went back because he has some things to attend at school"

"Okay...... I will stay by his side until that ... I mean Jun comes back"

"It's okay. I will just let Jun come by tomorrow after school, I can't promise tho.. Stay with him till then. And... talk things out, sunbae" Analyn says

"I will..... and... thank you"

"Told you right. If Baekhyun is happy." She says and leaves

I quickly went into his room and he is still sleeping soundly.

I sit beside his bed and.... Hold his hand gently....

"Why.... Why are you so difficult to love?" I mumble and kiss his hand

 Why are you so difficult to love?" I mumble and kiss his hand

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"S...sorry.... Did I wake you up?"

"No... it's okay..." he says as he slowly remove my grip on his hand

"How are you feeling?"

"Better... a lot... this hospitalisation is all an extra.."

"We.... We all were worried... and.... I'm sorry..."

"It's okay sunbae... it was an accident. And I just run in between you two..."

"It hurt... right?" I say and about to touch his lips which was hurt from my punch

But he backs away.

"Baekhyun ya....."

"Sunbae.... That....."

"Can't we.... Can't we talk about it after you discharged? Can't I take care of you now?"

He slowly shakes his head as I can see him tearing up a little and he says "Shall we just... pretend like.... Nothing really happened between us?"

"What? No! I ... I can't Baekhyun ya..... I like you..... let's take things easy... hmm? Let's start again.... I ... I don't know how to love a guy.... You know this is my first time dating a guy..... and I don't know... I d....."

"Can't you.... Can't you just see me as me?"

"What are y..."

"I'm just.... Me... sunbae.... Can't you just see me as me and not as a gay guy? Can't you just love me for who I am? Why is it so difficult for you?"

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