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I .... Have really gone crazy.
All the days that I can't see him, I kept thinking about him.
I looked for him at school, waited for him at canteen, library... we never run into each other during that 3 weeks.

I tried to sleep with girls.. with different body structures.
I can't.... I can't reach the climax.... I can't cum.

I tried to find a girl with short hair... quite flat chest...
I still.... can't stop thinking about him

Am I turning gay or?
It's just for sex?

Because I even jerked off while imagining him.

Now look at him sleeping in my arms fearlessly.
Not knowing I can do anything to him.
He is more  honest while he is sleeping huh?
Or is this a habit of him to hug someone while sleeping?

Does he do this to that Jun guy?
Or to that new face guy?

What's with this unpleasant feeling?
Don't tell me I'm actually... jealous?

I want to try kissing him... and .... And.....
Ugh... I must be really horny lately....
Just looking at his lips and smooth skin and being touched by him....
It's making me hard down there.

"Mmmm..." he groans as he starting to wake up


"Ahhh!" He quickly gets up "ah... sorry.. sunbae... I thought... I mean.. I forgot it was you.."

What do you mean it was me?
So it is true that you do sleep hugging others huh?

"It's okay.." I say and stretch... he slept on my arm and it feels numb now

"I.. I'm sorry. I will wash up first ..." he says and rushes into bathroom

He sure is more honest while drunk and sleeping
I can't probably ask him will he try to sleep with me or.. suddenly pull him into a kiss because he will just hate me more and think I'm insulting him

Do I need to get close to him first?
For real? Park Chanyeol?
Just for another guy?
I think something broke inside me. I'm going insane.
I want to sleep with him?

Byun Baekhyun avoids eyes contact.
He barely smiles at me.
He doesn't talk to me first anymore.

How to get close to him?
I need to try to kiss him and have sex with him...
Or I'm exploding with my sexual desires

———————Baekhyun's POV———————

Today we go around Jeju and enjoy our tour.

And.... Urghhhhhh
Why did I fall asleep like that?????
Hugging him?
Byun Baekhyun... you are never allowed to drink alcohol again!
Not even a sip!

Ahhhhhh.... But... why did he sleep on my bed?
Moreover... hugging me? a gay?
May be he is being sorry because of what happened ...

And.... He keeps sitting beside me, stands beside me, follows me nowwwww

Why is he doing that?!!

"Here" Sunbae gives out his hand since I'm trying to get into the small cruise for tour.

"Ah.... Thank you" I say and grab onto his hand

"It will be cold so, wear this" he says and takes out his coat for me

"No... it's okay sunbae... I have my hoodie on"

"Just wear it. You are weak to cold" He says and put it on me

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