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Hnghh.... My whole body is ... literally aching.
When I open my eyes... sunbae is not beside me anymore but, I see a sticky note stuck onto his pillow

'I'm out to the restaurant for awhile. I will buy you dinner. Call me if you miss me..I will be there in 15 minutes... I love you'

I just... poof!!! And turn red ...I can't help but blush by his cute note .
So....  This is what if feels to be in an actual relationship with sunbae?

I... I can't believeeeeeeee!!!
I thought sunbae really chose Moon Beom when he followed him out earlier.
My blood really boiled and angry.

But... hehe....
He's finally with me.

I should say.... I really made a quick decision.
I feel... bad for Kris ... but still....
But still, he understands me.
He really does.... Understand me.

———————Throwback This morning————-

After having sex with drunk sunbae, I rushed to Kris's house as soon as morning comes.
Because I want to come up with firm and clear decision that is good for everyone.
Like literally everyone.

I was scared.
That what if I left kris and Sunbae ended up choosing Moon Beom?

What if I am being left alone?
Or what if Kris..... hurts so bad.?

With all thoughts, I arrived to Kris' house.

"Oh... you are earlier than I expected.." Kris says

"Y...yeah.... I... just came right away"

"Let's eat breakfast.... I just finished making it" he says and we both take a seat at the table.

"You...woke up early too..." I say

"I was waiting for you... haha...actually I couldn't sleep last night.... A lot of thoughts going on.."

I clench a little.... Fidgeting..... hesitating.....


"Did you shower already? You smell like shampoo..." he says and gives me a weak smile "Like... hotel shampoo..."

"Kris.... I think..... No.... I'm ...."

"You are leaving me.... Right?"

His straightforwardness..... I can't even look straight into his eyes.

"I...I am sorry..... I am very... sorry.... Kris.... I hurt you endless times..... even if I continue staying with you..... I can't promise anything...."

"......... you are not to be blamed. I forced you to stay in my life anyway... while I'm completely aware of you still in love with Park Chanyeol."


"Now, I won't hold onto you anymore too.
Not that because I stop loving you... I let you go because I love you so much, that I want you to be happy."

"I.... I am sorry...... Kris.... I'm very sorry..." I can't help but cry in front of him.... I just....can't...
He's so pure and good for me

"Promise me this Baek... that you will be happy"

————————-End of throwback———————-

I will really be happy with sunbae..
I'm confident this time.

It's already 9pm so... I wonder if sunbae's shop be closing soon.
I'm not hungry yet but... I want to see him

Ah right, I should shower.
I'm in sweat from sex this afternoon

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