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Third Person's POV

'Wow..... what a view...' Moon Beom thinks as wakes up as he sees Chanyeol sleeping beside him

Chanyeol didn't get to sleep last night because he was with Baekhyun so, he is a bit tired too.

"What is a situation here? Why am I lying down beside this handsome man?" Beom whispers as he still can't believe chanyeol let him sleep in his bed Or even brought him to his house

"Awake?" Chanyeol asks

"Oh.... Sorry... hehe... did I wake you?"

"I was just taking a nap"



"You are so handsome"

"Get up if you are awake.. I will cook some hangover soup for you"



Beom leans in and gives a peck on Chanyeol's lips
He quickly moves back and checks of chanyeol is angry or not but...
Chanyeol seems to be calm for Beom.

Beom attempts another time and this time.. he holds Chanyeol's face and leans in to kiss him

And... and he is a bit taken back because .... Chanyeol's arms pull him closer to his body and kisses back.

Beom quickly back off and.. look at chanyeol with surprised eyes.

"Now, want to get up?" Chanyeol asks

"Am I still dreaming? Or am I high?"

"Are you?" Chanyeol says and get out of bed

"Sunbae! Did you just.... Kiss me back?"

"What? Did I do some mistakes?"

"NO! I mean... Can we do again? Hmm?" Beom quickly gets out of bed and follows chanyeol

"No... I will cook something"

"Then how about after?"

Chanyeol turns to face him "after that, Mr. Moon should go back home"

"I'm n....." Beom sees a hickey on Chanyeol's neck "Were you with someone last night?"


Beom touches the hickey on his neck and "Here" he says

"Ah.... Is that so?" Chanyeol says and head to the kitchen

"Who were you with? One night stand?"

"How does that concern with you?"

"I... im just... curious"

"Just someone" Chanyeol says as he checks fridge to cook

"Is that Byun Baekhyun sunbae?"

Chanyeol looks back and Moon Beom is holding a student card of Baekhyun he found on the dining table

"Leave it there. I will give him back later"

"Sunbae... he is someone else's"

"I'm well aware"

"He cheated on you with his current boyfriend and now he is cheating his boyfriend with you? That kind of person will continue to cheat! That has became a hab...."

"Don't! Don't talk about him like that!" Chanyeol raises his voice "You.... You don't even know him"

"Okay.... My mistake then.. just continue to linger around him then. Thanks for bringing me here. See you sunbae" Beom says and he rushes out of Chanyeol's house

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