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"Are you taking your vitamins?" Phana's mother asked her usual question before he disconnected her call to which he answered "As always"

He swallowed his usual three pills, that he has been taking ever since he can remember – but only him, Pete and Ten his brothers take only two. He continued not because he needed it but more like because it was part of his morning routine.

Beam and Kit used to call him a 'creature of habits', which he had to accept because he followed them diligently to a level, he had himself suspected if he had OCD. On the days he rebelled as kid or teenager, the consequences has been his father scolding him in disappointment.

Nothing harsh, never a hit but his look of disapproval and disappointment was enough to get his eldest son back on track. If one thing Phana hated was disappointing his father.

Which he seemed to be an expert because nothing his younger brothers did seemed to earn that look. His mother had reasoned with him as a kid that because he was eldest it was his responsibility to lead his siblings by example – a simple statement that defined him growing up.

He checked his reflection in mirror one last time before he stepped out of his room to pick Beam – his best friend who had seen and accepted his vulnerabilities, helped him when he was down after receiving unfair treatment from his father or he himself questioned his need for his parent's approval.

A small smile formed on his face, many followed him around for his looks, popularity and brain.... But except two. Beam and Kit his best friends.

"Hi Phana" Tong and Mess waved at him, "Are you leading the Campus Star and Moon program this year?"

Phana sighed and nodded, two were biggest flirts in his year and it had taken a very hard warning from him for them to stay away from his friends. It caused a bit of scandal but nothing new as far as the three were concerned. Eventually they got into talking terms and maintained a cordial relationship as batchmates.

"Yes" Phana replied curtly.

"Cool" Tong said, "I hope they are as hot as last years... but maybe we will have some luck". Mess nodded, "when is it starting?". Phana glared at him but still responded "it is at 4 PM today and I would appreciate if you guys don't cause trouble"

"yes boss" Mess said with a smile, "none during the session"

Phana nodded, it was more than a bargain – it is not like he can stop all from flirting with stars and moons. He should be happy as long as the events goes without any major trouble and hopefully none will bother him this year.

He shook his head as he remembered the desperate attempts from Forth to win him over, but eventually they ended up being friends. While he regarded Forth as a good looking guy but he was not interested in guys. So he feigned ignorance and played his innocent card that Forth eventually gave up.

It is not only Forth but most of the girls and guys in their university fought for his attention, but he knew it was all skin deep and none really knew him enough to form a relationship with him. One night stand was not his thing.


"not a bad bunch" Pring said as she observed the 1st years faces, "my bet is on Prae and Ming from engineering". She continued to make observations as their faculty coordinator was addressing the nominees.

"Who?" Phana asked Pring his fellow lead, last year's star. "I hope you at least know the name and face of our faculty nominees...that is Prae and Ming, the tall kid at the back wearing engineering uniform" she paused "Who weirdly seem to have his eyes fixed on you"

Phana moved a bit to look better and he had to agree, those two showed best potential at least from the look-wise "we are supposed to be impartial... and for all we know, they might be good looking but their personality, talent might be bad"

"They can't be worse than you" Pring smiled, "work, work and more work ... and world is filled with lowly creatures except for your Beam and Kit"

Phana missed most of her comment as he focused on the engineering student who now sported a wide grin and winked at him. 

Phana quickly looked away... yet another guy trying his chance. He sighed and focused on the itinerary in his hands. He checked one last time before circulating it to the freshers. He did so as the professor continued to emphasize on the importance of the event.

As far as he was concerned, it was just a beauty pageant to select the faces that will lead the university advertisement campaign, but that doesn't mean he will do a half ass job and convey the same to his juniors who are following him with their eyes. Some had their eyes fixed on Pring but he feigned ignorance as usual.

"hello" his thoughts were broken when he heard a soft greeting, "nice to meet you Phi, Am Mingkwan Daipachanya from engineering"

Phana said no smile, no expression on his face, "Concentrate on what Professor is saying" he simply continued to distribute the details to other students leaving a baffled Ming follow him with his eyes. He slightly felt bad, he made a mental note to talk to the kid after meeting.


Everyone stood up and stretched when the Campus Moon and Star Committee finally finished their speech after what felt like an eternity. Phana hated it and considered it as waste of time, but then he is the reigning campus moon and it was expected of him to lead this event. He stretched and looked around for the engineering kid.

Ming stood with a couple of students and seemed to be the center of attraction. He had an easy smile that was really pretty... Phana paused, surprised by his own chain of thoughts. He quickly shook the unnecessary thoughts away and walked up to Ming.

"Hi Ming" He stood opposite to the group of students, "I am Phana, 2nd year medical. Next time you want to say something wait for the meeting / speech to be over"

Everyone looked at him in surprise, some openly admiring and some blushed and looked away. But not Ming, who simply smiled and nodded "Got it Phi. I won't disturb others the next time... I will wait to talk to you"

Phana was a bit taken aback but still retained his poker face, "So... what did you want to ask me earlier"

"Nothing Phi" Ming said with the same smile and serious tone, "just wanted to know if you are single and interested in men... cause you are Hot Phi"

Phana could hear loud gasps, but he ignored them. "I believe those are related to my personal life which I have no intention of discussion – so next time unless you have any question related to the program... I suggest you don't talk to me". he quickly turned and walked away, not waiting for a response only to be welcomed by Pring with a big smile on her face

She winked at him and said, "And so it starts".

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