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A month had passed meanwhile when Beam suddenly dropped another bomb stating he was getting married. Whole day Kit had spent ranting about how ridiculous the whole thing was and he was even angry with Phana for calmly accepting and saying it was a couple thing.

To be honest, Phana felt like he had seen it coming... the way Beam started trusting Forth, he moved in with him for godsake and all he now wanted to do was to ensure that Forth would at least not steal away the other completely.

Phana just walked around feeling restless, the campus was bit empty except for students scattered here and there. He brought himself a cold coffee from store near by and sat on the pavement, a bit away from the light.

Kit and him were currently in a disagreement especially on Beam... where Kit was convinced that there was something foul happening and Beam wouldn't jump into a marriage. But Phana can actually see how his so-called friend was taking over Beam's heart. 

He hated Forth... for he had the ability to take away Beam from them completely, a part of him wondered if Beam would let things go just like that but it was a chance, he was not willing to take.

He watched in silence as biked continued to zoom past him – a bit surprised, are they racing within campus?

It is not his problem, but it might help him get his mind off things so he decided to walk in the direction following the bikes. It felt like they were doing laps when another set up bikes zoomed past him after another 10 minutes. He shook his head, some people have blatant disregard for rules.

He would have walked a few more minutes until he spotted a family of cats or a mother catch carrying her kittens across the road. He was fascinated with the way she was carrying her young without hurting them. Suddenly he heard the buzzing of bikes from afar and in an instant the mother cat dropped her young and jumped out of the way. 

Phana started running to pick up that Kitten that looked lost... and in a blink of an eye he heard scratching noises and when he finally managed to get a grasp and look around, he saw two bikes twisted onto a side and many skewer past him.

"What the fuck?" a tall student screamed as he managed to stand holding his bike screamed, "are you dumb or blind... how can you cut through like that?"

"You were not supposed to be racing within campus for the very reason" Phana gave him a cold reply, "don't yell at me when it is your fault". He crossed the road slowly and placed the shivering kitten along with it's siblings, "who do think you are?" the other student was walking towards him with visible anger, "better pay for the damages"

"you raced, you pay" Phana said coldly, "better yet... let me complaint and get you punished too"

Meanwhile a couple of more students had surrounded him, that when one called out "isn't he the last year campus moon" one said, "why are you putting yourself in danger .... Beauty" another said mockery evident in his tone.

Phana just gritted but didn't respond, he was used to this teasing by now. "Don't say that... am campus moon too" he heard Ming's voice and when he peaked, he saw the other take off his helmet as he spoke, "don't generalize... it is not good"

Phana felt as Ming was still mocking him, but he simply chose to walk away. He knows a ruffle with engineering is the last thing he wanted. But the first guy who had fallen off his bike was not having it. "Don't act all high and mighty" he grabbed Phana's collar and before he could do something, Phana had hit him across his arms, twisted it and leveraged his own weight to throw him across on the road.

"Go away peasant" Phana said with a smirk he knew he can take these guys... he just didn't want to burn his bridges further. But the adrenalin rush, he smiled "or... prove to me you guys are worthy of the name wolves"

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