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Ming watched Phana softly clean up his wounds and apply ointments on them, he would have just shoved his legs under running water and then dabbed on some antiseptic cream if required but that that would have been it.

"You will be a great doctor, You really care about getting it right" Ming observed, they were back in his room as it was closer, and he had quickly changed from pants to shorts to make the others life easier... but not without some teasing. 

Truth be told he was pleasantly amazed how gracefully Phana handled his bike... he was not slow, but at the same time he was not a rash driver.

Phana smiled, "thanks... I really want to be a good one. A cardiac surgeon. Do you know what you want to specialize in ... Mechanical is very broad isn't it?"

Ming nodded, "I like heavy machines... if I can, I want to learn more about underwater drilling"

"ha" Phana frowned, "it will cause a lot on environmental pollution. I am not really a fan of oil industry... I like ocean"

"Said the guy who drives an Audi and Ducatti!!!" Ming laughed, "but there are so many new technologies... and Ocean, it fascinates me... it is so unexplored, and it is like a mystery chest... filled with surprise"

"why did you not take oceanology?" Phana looked at Ming, who sat there with his eyes sparkling as he explained his fascinations with machines that outweighed his love for underwater. 

Ming didn't even notice that Phana had finished up dressing his wounds and was now closely paying attention to his every word.

Phana smiled, this was a very different facet of Ming he had not expected. Passionate about his studies and someone with a clear plan for his future.

"Why did you choose medicine?" Ming suddenly asked Phana, "I heard through grapevine that it was you who forced P'Kit and P'Beam to select this?! Did they really follow you?"

Ming lost as his thoughts as he was surrounded by a wonderful sound of Phana laughing, his eyes crinkled and the small dimple that was almost invisible if you didn't look properly.

"You have an innocent smile and wonderful laugh compared to how hot you look" Ming said, once again kicking himself after his mouth spit out his thoughts without filter.

"and you are a serious person despite that playboy, carefree image" Phana countered, but he could feel a blush forming on his face.

"it's a secret... don't tell others" Ming winked, but then his expression turned serious "it is easy to be more of myself with you... I am not this honest with others"

Phana simply nodded, "maybe we started of wrong"

"I think so too" Ming said his heart pounding, "we would have been really good friends" Phana said at the same time when Ming said, "I must have dated you... and not asked for a"

"What?" They both paused to look at the other. One talking about being friends while the other was talking about dating. Both didn't know how to respond to other. Phana quickly got up, "I need to go... I have an early class tomorrow"

"I will drop you" Ming got up as well, but Phana shook his head "it's okay... I can go by myself"

"Take my bike" Ming said, "at least I will know you won't be walking or taking a cab". He caught Phana's right hand and placed his key. "I will be worried otherwise... and can you please text me once you reach, better yet a quick call"

"I..er.." Phana was a bit lost, but Ming insisted with a serious look "else I will be following you again ... and you know it. Please Phana ... take it."

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