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Pete and Ten stood by the venue entrance nervously, Phana had literally chewed their heads because the florist were late while Ming simply stood there with a smile.

"You would think he would relax on his wedding day" Ten sighed while Pete scoffed "wedding turns normal people into bridezilla's, and you are talking about our control freak brother.... calm down? What are you? Nuts?"

"I wonder how Ming handles him?" Ten leaned back inside to his older brother wrapped in the younger's arms, bending slightly to rest his head on Ming's shoulder "I hope he won't"

"he wont" Pete said, "Phana relents all his demands on just seeing the other smile or pout"

"I hope so" Ten said, "I still can't believe he didn't want mom and dad at the wedding"

"Rightly so" Pete said, "I wouldn't forgive them easily either"

"but." Ten stopped when Pete continued "he is more like dad than he realizes... in due time, he will accept our parents when dad openly apologies, but both are too stubborn"

"I was totally surprised" Ten said, "when I overheard dad talk to her about securing a future for P'Pha... I just could not believe it"

Pete smiled, even after three months of that fateful showdown Phana's relationship with his parents was almost none. What surprised him was that Phana had refused to hear out his mother too saying she made the wrong choice, but his mother was sadly stuck between her husband and son.

"What are you two doing here?" Pete's thoughts came to a sudden halt when Kit and Prae walked in, "we got the rings and some food for now"

Prae laughed, "do you have to ask – they are hiding"

"Rightly so P" Ten said, "Ming's parents will be here in an hour and guests will start arriving at 10. All is good except the florist is late... but they just messaged that they are on their way"

"Did you two eat?" Kit asked and dragged them both inside when they shook their heads "Ming had one job!" he sighed

"toughest of all" Pete smiled, "keep my brother calm"

"He could have just fucked him unconscious" Kit mumbled, "but no...."

"hey", "oye" Prae and Pete said at the same time but Ten giggled.

Kit stopped on spot when he saw the couple stand holding each other with a soft blush coloring Ming's face while Phana had a smirk on.

"Maybe I got it reverse" Kit whispered only to be hit by Prae on his back, he smiled as he called out loud "Hey love birds – get some actual food into your system. I don't want one of you fainting or snap at the priest during ceremony"

"Did you hear anything?" Phana asked instantly as he looked up, but still staying in Ming's arms.

"In the 5 hours since I last saw you – nothing" Kit sighed knowing exactly what Phana was talking about, "relax – we will find him"

"Is any of your seniors coming?" Kit looked at Ming, he knew that Ming had extended the invite to Park and Forth, along with a few more from his department.

"P'Park texted – he just wished us the best and apologized" Ming said softly, "they are still blaming P'Beam"

"Well – I am blaming Forth" Kit gritted his teeth; it was a very sore topic.

Ten jumped in "can we concentrate on one thing at a time... the florist" he had seen how Phana's smile dropped at the mention on Beam.

"are here" Pete said "finally.... They promised to have the flowers set in two hours, which will give us just enough time to get the grooms ready"

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