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"Join us" Prae looked at her seniors face expectantly; it had been bothering her that Phana has been looking even paler and thinner before their vacation. Phana shook his head with a smile, "thanks. but I would rather not be a third wheel"

"Let's ditch him then" Prae winked as she took her hands away from Kit, "take me to lunch, please"

"Ahh, the betrayal" Kit laughed, as he placed his right palm on his chest. Phana just shook his head at both of their antics "I am fine kiddo just go on. I am yet to finalize on my internship"

Kit sighed, "I am not taking any this year... will do it next. I only wish you and Beam would stop rubbing it in my face" he looked at Prae, who sighed as she nodded "fine – promise us you will eat, or do you want us to bring you back something?" she looked at Phana.

"I didn't know that you were my mom" Phana winked but stopped saying anything further when she glared at him "ok fine, I promise"

Kit chuckled, "who would have thought all it took to get you to listen was a 5 ft 5 fireball" as he hugged Prae from back, "I am 5' 7 thank very much" Prae elbowed him.

"okay" Phana got up and he pushed both away with a smile "get out of my face, now"

With a soft smile they both walked away, "there is something wrong" Prae said softly, "he looks like a ghost... where did the regal campus moon, I met during my first year go?"

"I don't know" Kit sighed, "I have a theory – but I can't bring myself up to talk to him about it"

"What?" Prae asked, "I seriously feel he might be sick!"

"that's one" Kit unlocked the car, but continued when Prae glared at him "another – Beam might have something to do with his broken heart"

"No" Prae looked a bit stunned, "no way! I see the way he looks at Beam"

"We know that he treats Beam a little extra special, he always has" Kit paused as he opened the door "now, I can't help but wonder"

"What after like a year of him being married to Forth" Prae raised her eyes, "they dated for like another before"

"I know" Kit's voice was soft, filled with doubt, "that is why I am unbale to ask him straight"

Prae got in the car while Kit followed the suite, "I think you are dead wrong" she said after few minutes of silence "it must be something else"


Ming watched Kit and Prae drive away but Kit's words echoed in his ears. 

It made so much sense, last time he had met Phana he had felt the change in older. That sad smile had haunted him, left him feeling restless – his foolish heart had believed that Phana might even love him, loved him!

But to hear Kit say that Beam has always been extra special to the other! His foot carried him on his own towards his original destination – but the purpose had changed, and before he knew it, he stood in front of the tall man who had haunted his every second of every day

"Why?" Ming asked, "I thought it was me you loved" he shoved the taller who looked stunned as he hit the pillar, a couple student peeped their head interest.

Even in that anger, Ming held on to his common sense, he wanted to start his school year not with a rumor and be on the gossips yet again. He quickly pulled the older by his hand who stumbled behind him.

"How can you hold the moral high ground and blame me for what happened?" Ming shoved Phana against the wall again but stepped back from him "and you want me to be happy! What a joke!"

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