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Prae chuckled as she pushed up his jaws to close Ming's mouth.

It was first day of the medical camp at the orphanage, there were a group of ten students in total, 4 girls and 6 boys along with 2 staffs from the university. Things were busy since morning and finally they were getting to relax a bit around mid-day now that the hospital staffs have taken over once they have arranged for it all.

"If anyone saw you now, they will think you are in love with him" Prae nudged him on the side, "aren't you dating Yo?"

Ming quickly looked at her, yes, he had been lost looking at the tall man sitting cross-legged on the floor surrounded by children as he played with them some silly game.

Phana had never looked more precious not even when he was moaning under him – his eyes were bright, his laughter filled the playground. It was a completely different version of the older and Ming couldn't help but imagine what a wonderful father he would be.

"Are you even listening to me?" this time Prae pushed him a bit harder, "stop looking at Pha like that"

That brought back Ming to his reality, he gulped as he ran his fingers thought his hair "like what?!"

"Like he is the only person in this world that matters" Prae folded her arms, feeling protective of the older she stood in front him blocking his view "backoff – you already have someone else. Don't cause any trouble. He doesn't need another flirt hitting on him"

Ming chuckled, like he has not been trying that from day one. "Am not doing anything – am just looking. I have never seen him so carefree"

Prae instantly softened, "I know right – Pha is always serious, but he looks so much younger and cuter now. I keep telling Kit that he is the most innocent one among those three"

"Innocent?" Ming looked up

Prae nodded, "yeah, like, innocent in sense... he always finds something good in everyone, Kit and Beam are cautious, but Pha is more open.... It took me some time, but I realized his cold, distant façade is just that a façade – he thinks people don't like to see him for himself"

"What non-sense is that?" Ming frowned

"Happens if you have always been chased by others for your looks or brains, seeking one or the other benefit from you! But despite all that I have never seen him turn down anyone who asks for help" she shrugged, "those three are weird – they only trust each other, and now me... it makes me feel precious and I want to protect it too"

"hey" Ming perked up "why do you keep calling him Pha?"

Prae shrugged, "I think I just got used to it... it has been two years now since I started dating Kit" her expression fell instantly. Kit had injured himself and was now currently resting "damm, I miss that moron – he should have been more careful!!" she took out her phone as she walked away calling him.

Ming sighed, he had also done the same, approached Phana for something physical and stuck to his playboy ways, no wonder Phana was not trusting him!!

"P'Ming" his Mark, his junior moon called him, "orphanage director wants to talk about our accommodation – I am not able to find P'Prae". Ming nodded and let Mark lead the way but not before casting one last look at man holding a baby in his arms.


Phana tried to give the 15-month-old baby boy in his arms to the caretaker only for the kid to start screaming clutching on to his ID card tag. "It's okay" Phana held on to the crying baby stopping the caretaker from forcefully taking the kid.

"He has never been that clingy" the elderly lady smiled, "he must really like you"

"what's his name?" Phana asked as he consoled the baby, "how long has been here"

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