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 "You are kidding me" Phana looked at the car Ming was driving well not a car but an open top wrangler that stood before them, "where are we going and how did you even manage to get this?"

"I loaned it" Ming said with a smile, "sedan's can't handle the path and bikes are dangerous ... so this is next best option"

"Just where the hell are we going?" Phana mumbled, "it is not like we are going deep into the jungle or something" he then paused as he looked at the other "are we?"

Ming's heart skipped a beat at Phana's expression – eyes wide and agape... If he had thought Yo was cute before but now, he would bet his life that Yo paled in comparison to the 6ft man standing in front of him.

Despite his height and lean muscles Ming could not help but think the other was cute and adorable "I said it is a surprise"

"You are not planning to kill me or something right?" Phana sighed as he got in what he now called death trap in his head "or worse..."

"Lol... why don't you file a complaint against me already?" Ming said clearly not amused "you can backout if you are not comfortable"

"Naaaaa" Phana said with a smile, "I trust you" he continued to adjust his seat having thrown his backpack behind.

It was just three words simply said without any preamble, but it took Ming by storm... he knew his parents trusted him, his friends trusted him but Phana to call out the words so easily it really made him feel good as his heart swelled with pride at the same time it scared him.

"So, who else is coming?" Phana asked when Ming got into the driver seat, "are we going to pick your friends up after me or they are meeting us on the road?"

"i.. er" it was only then Ming realized he had not mentioned to Phana that it will be just the two of them. "they cancelled at the last minute... so.. er.. it is just the two of us"

"okay" Phana didn't elaborate further

"You are okay with that?" Ming paused to look at the taller who was not putting on his seatbelt as he nodded, "why wouldn't I be?"

Ming now felt guilty, he had lied to someone who trusted him. He silently started the car, but he couldn't hold back the truth even until they left their campus "sorry... I lied. It is just the two of us, I didn't even tell them about it"

"Oh" Phana was a bit taken aback, this then meant that Ming planned for a trip for just the two of them. He could not put a finger on Ming's thought process, but he couldn't help but internally coo over Ming's inability to continue with the lie and his expression was too precious to get angry with.

"Say something" Ming said as he slowed down joining the ongoing traffic, "we can head back... but I swear, I have no agenda – just a hike and nothing more" he was more nervous than he attended his viva exam last semester, but Phana simply smiled "I can handle a hike" making Ming relax finally.


Oh was he wrong... the hike turned out to be harder than he imagined, even when they were able to drive 3/4th of the way. Ming seemed fine but Phana was soon out of breath. He had never been a 'nature person'; he liked his comforts and he had gone into a silent panic attack when Ming spoke about camping.

Only redeeming quality was that they were setting up camp at a decent place right next to their vehicle. He watched Ming put on a tent, Phana had wanted to help but the younger turned it down saying he will only delay the process.

"How are you so good at it?" Phana asked as he watched the other unpack bedrolls in the tent... he had two separate ones which was one comforting factor.

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