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"Hello" Phana answered when he saw the same number flash again on his cell, whoever this person was, is persistent. "Finally" a familiar voice answered, "Phana, how are you?"

Phana tried to recollect but before he could answer "don't tell me you forgot your uncle... it's me Phor"

"Sorry" Phana apologized quickly, "it has been long, and it took me sometime to recognize your voice. How are you, how is On?"

"Good, good... am glad you remembered by partners name" his uncle said cheerfully, "you were what eight, nine when we last met... God! It has been what twelve years? Time sure does fly fast, how have you been? AM sure you are a fine gentleman now"

Phana could sense that something was off, but he decided to play along.

"Am surprised you got my number" Phana carefully said, "but am glad you did... I hope all is well. Sorry I am doing my internship before the final years and was busy"

"Yes, yes" Phor said, "it was not easy... but I got it. You know if you ever need anyone to talk, I am here as your uncle... I know how much of a hypocr, er.. I mean how closed your dad is"

"I am not sure what you mean, but thanks uncle" Phana decided to play dumb, "oh, you don't have to hide... I know about you for long"

"Hmmm" was all Phana said, while he didn't openly question, he didn't give away either.

"Phana, I know you are a carrier just like me... all I am lending you is my ears if you ever need it" his uncle said softly, "nothing more, nothing less"

"Oh" Phana paused, "wish someone had told me earlier"

"I wanted to, but you know your dad" Phor paused to dramatically sigh "anyways, I would love for you to visit, you can meet your cousins."

"I can?" words left his mouth before he could stop them "I would love to meet them. How old are they if you don't mind me asking?"

"Eldest is Al, he is eight then it is Lisa she is five and our youngest is Preti she is 11 months" he sensed genuine happiness when his uncle spoke about his kids. "Bring Pete and Ten if you can, else you can stop by yourself too. You have my number, let me send you my address it should not take more than 15 minutes from the hospital"

"Sure, maybe this weekend' Phana said, "I will message you once I get my shift sorted"

"Okay, let me now hold the busy man" Phor said, "I hope to see you soon. Take care"

Phana disconnected a call with a thank you, but he frowned at his phone as far as he knew only his father had done his bloodwork and destroyed all evidence and he personally has not spoken to anyone outside his family and Forth! Maybe it is not a bad idea to check out what is going on.


"What do you want Ming?" Lam looked at his junior who stood fidgeting a bit at the end of his lonely ass table, one that used to always have Park next to him and Forth sitting opposite to him.

"When is P'Forth and P'Park back?" Ming asked, "I would like to know how to apply for the internship and was hoping to talk to them"

"They are back in a month" Lam said, "you can talk to them then... and if I remember it right, you will only have to apply by end of this semester to start next year so you will have time, don't worry"

Ming flashed him a genuine smile, "Thanks Phi. I was worried with all the other activities I might have missed the timeline"

"So, heard you were very mean to the 1st years" Lam smirked, "but you did a good job Ming"

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