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"I am here... no worries, take your time" Phana disconnected his call with Kit when Ming sneaked in a quick kiss on his right cheek from the side.

"Wha" his words were stopped midsentence along with his punch when Ming quickly moved away at the same time grabbed his right wrist "it is a good thing I learned martial arts... isn't it?"

Phans shook his hands away, "just what the fuck are you doing here... this is harassment"

"don't use big words" Ming pouted, "I was just glad to see you and wanted to wish you a good morning", he winked as he put both his hands into his pocket "but noted... no surprise kissing"

"Ming" Phana sighed, "get lost"

"Ouch" Ming held his chest as if in pain, "but okay... I have to rush for my class now anyways. I will see you during lunch... what time is your break?"

Phana remained silent, this was the second time Ming had kissed him on his cheeks and the simple gesture left him week on his knees. He ignored the tall guy standing next to him.

"okay... I will find it out" Ming said as he walked away... "see you later... babe"

Phana just turned and started walking away, Ming smirked despite the glare he noticed how the other got flustered... how his expression turned a bit shy before becoming annoyed.

At the same time Phana took a deep breathe to calm him down. Ming was getting on his nerves, yet he was not really mad at him. He really had to do something.

Phana noted Ming waiting for him outside his faculty in the evening yet again. This time he was better prepared and instead of going to the parking lot he just turned and started walking toward his dorm taking a shortcut.

If you can beat them, join them , if you can't join them then avoid them!!! 

He remembered a younger version of himself joking but it actually made sense now. His best option was to avoid Ming and he would do that at any cost.


"Pha" Kit was almost whining, "how can you not cheer me up?" He was part of their football team while Phana and Beam played basketball.

"It is the finals" Kit argued when Phana mentioned that he won't be waiting for them to finish the game. Kit turned to beam, "I don't care what you do... you both are gonna be there" with that he walked away to join his team for practice.

"You have been avoiding engineering for a year now" Beam cocked his head to the side, "I want to know why?". 

Phana looked away, "am not avoiding". But Beam shook his head, "You are nervous when they join us for lunch, you never join me when I go there to meet Forth"

"It is hard being a third wheel...." Phana sighed, "Already Kit and Prae needs to put up with me when you go to engineering" he was mumbling, "Forth's friends always join us for lunch" Beam said softly, "what is bothering you Pha? Why won't you talk to us?"

"Nothing" Phana sighed, "I will join you guys for the game... okay. Happy?" he smiled, but the smile didn't reach his eyes.

Beam shook his head took a deep breath and asked outright "Do you like someone is Engineering?".

A small flicker of emotion and hesitancy in Phana's expression was more than enough for him to know he was lying when he said, "are you nuts?". Phana ruffled his hair, "I will hang out with you guys more okay.... don't worry" making the shorter man just nod in response.

They were in the food court, Phana had successfully managed past couple of days from meeting Ming – he had changed is schedule but today he saw Ming sit with couple of his friends in their medical food court.

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