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Ming finally gave into his need to check in on Phana and walked into the library where he saw the older putting back some books in their cabinet.

Ever since his last camping trip, he had been trying his best not to come face to face with the elder. There have been certain instances where he had seen Phana on campus, he checked his fan site every now and then... but it must have been more than 6 months since the last spoke face to face.

He had stopped his playboy ways, concentrating more on his studies, football, friends and family. But sometimes, he would get a bit lonely and invariably would end up looking at Phana's picture or recollecting something about him.

Karma is really a bitch, that's the one thought that filled his head... for all the hearts he had broken in name of honesty, he had gotten his broken in the exact same way. He sighed and left the building no longer feeling like joining his friends in food court

'I am going back to the faculty' he texted in the group chat, maybe he can get a head start on the expense report before his labs.


"I am getting worried" Aim said to Posh as he observed his friend working on the lab reports. They had gathered in their common area where all engineering stream students use to hang out.

"Why?" Posh frowned, "were you not always complaining he doesn't take things seriously"

"But not to this level... it feels like he has lost his spark" Aim said and quickly shook his head when Posh glared at him, "you know what I mean"

"No I don't" Posh said pouting, "why do you look more closely at others instead of me?" but he turned serious as he observed his lover's expression "it feels likes he is trying to find his midground – playboy to nerd...er... studious, am sure he will land somewhere in-between soon"

He quickly kissed Aim's cheeks "if you want to worry about someone, worry about me – am about to fail communications theory - why won't you help me with this subject"

Aim sighed, he cast one last look at his friend before turning to Posh, "which one? Fourier series?"

With that they both started working on the course material, Ming finally let out a sigh, he had heard every bit of their conversation, just pretended otherwise. He knew the reason for his change – he has been struggling to move on from his first love!

"Hey" a soft voice distracted his thoughts "are you crying?" Yo sat next to his friend and threw a hand over him, "what's wrong kiddo?"

Ming shook his head, "I am not crying... what are you talking about?"

"well, you look like it" Yo smiled, he knew all about Ming and Phana, so did Aim and Posh. His friend had once told them everything in a drunken stupor and ever since he had started hating the medical moon with a passion.

To make it worse, he had also heard gossips about the Kongathanin and Jaturaphoom in one of the parties he had attended with his family. For someone who turned down his friend he was not gay, Phana sure was going to pay marrying the eldest Jaturaphoom. While he respected Forth, Nine gave him creepy vibes every time they crossed path.

"What brings you here?" Ming closed his books and looked at his friend, who has been trying to cheer him up in his own way and that comforted him beyond words. "Aren't we supposed to meet at 7?"

"I finished early and got bored" Yo sighed "I need more friends in my faculty"

Ming chuckled, "it if you who is being choosy" he shot a glance at Aim and Posh, "wanna chuck the loverbirds?"

"yes please" Yo got up, "am hungry", "let's go to my food court" Ming followed his friend, "am sure the snack stalls will be open and we can get you your pink milk"

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