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"I am not going.. I have better things to do than watch some stupid game" Phana replied as he continued to read his book, "you two should do the same... but I won't stop you"

Kit frowned, Beam looked uncomfortable "you don't join us for lunch... you don't join me when we go out for a drink or game... are you avoiding me?" he could not stop, "is it because am dating Forth?"

"Are you an Idiot... Forth is the best thing that happened in your life" Phana looked Beam in the eye, "I just need to study harder and this anatomy chapter is killing me"

"You can take a break" Kit said, "distract a bit before concentrating again and it is just a football game... won't take long"

"no... but the celebrations after Forth's team winning will take longer" Phana sighed, he heard from Korn that Ming was now part of the Football team and was really good. Now all he had to do was convince Kit and Beam to go without him.

Beam just watched him in silence while Kit said "Suite yourself... but I am going. I need a break from all this studying"

"sure" Phana said, "don't whine when your grades drop to B"

Kit gasped dramatically, "when have I ever let it fall below B+?"

"Sure... I would like a B+ doctor to treat me" Phana smirked, knowing he had effectively dodged the bullet for now.

"showoff" Kit said his tone void of any hate, "we will get you dinner when we come back , and some snacks" he turned to look at Beam "come on... stop staring at the idiot and let's go"

Phana sighed as he watched both his friends walk away from him. It had been weeks since that fateful day and just thinking about Ming made his heart heavy. He had chided himself for crushing on the guy who took his virginity, for crushing on a playboy who had zero feelings for him.

Thankfully there had been not many events that had required him to work with the junior campus moon and the one he had too, he had used Korn and Suthee to get the work done having excused himself. He simply let his mind wander as he watched their campus buzzle with students around... and before he knew it, he was asleep.


"He is just sleeping" Wayo said to Ming over phone, "now that am done stalking him... can I head back to my faculty please?"

Ming on the other end sighed, "he is not coming to my game?"

"Ming... what are you doing?" Wayo asked as he sighed, "either confess that you love him or move on... this is not healthy"

"I don't love him." Ming said stubbornly

"Then why I am stalking him?" Wayo started to move towards his car, "I have better things to do to you know"

"I just don't like it when he avoids me" Ming said, "why is he avoiding me? I just want to know that"

"Ask him" Wayo said, "why don't we confront him and ask him directly... I will help you"

"but.. er.." Ming had no reply to that... he didn't want to ask him directly.

"that's it. I am done doing what you want" Wayo said, "I am dragging your ass next time to talk to him directly", he was so done with that stupid ego of his friend. It is about time he swallowed his pride to console his aching heart.


Beam nodded, he knew Phana would turn him down on his offer to join them for a drink, but he still tried "are you avoiding engineering altogether ... is it because of Forth?" he asked worried, "Partly yes... but not because of him" Phana ruffled the other's hair affectionately "anytime you need... just message I will come pick you up"

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