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you only lie to yourself!

if you are honest to your best friends...

talk to me when you are at least honest to yourself.

Phana sighed, Ming had been right! He was nothing but a big fat liar and coward. He texted Kit and Beam as soon as he decided what he was going to do – talk to his brothers first. If they can't accept them well at least he was not the one who kept them in the dark.

The drive back home was heavy, he had no idea if his father would be there, but he knew for a fact both Pete and Ten were home and he had sent them a text requesting them to stay home, and that he had something important to tell them.

Phana pulled in front his driveway and even before he can unlock the door, it opened revealing a worried face of Ten "What happened Phi? Are you alright – Mom is not talking, and Pete is not telling me anything expect he has been acting strange towards mom and dad... what is going on? Why am I the only one in the dark?"

Phana smiled at the younger, though the news on Pete's behavior was a bit surprising he maintained his poker face "am going to tell you now, aren't I?"

Ten mumbled something about being treated unfair just because he is the youngest to which Phana could only chuckle darkly! Talk about being treated unfair.. he took a deep breath as he walked in.

"Call Pete" he looked at Ten before walking in towards his father's study, where he found the said man going through some papers with a frown.

"Can you come to den, I have something important to say" Phana walked away without waiting for a response and then went in pursuit of his mother in her bedroom. He knocked once before opening "Maa"

"Phana" she sat on her bed, "you look paler and thinner"

"Well, withdrawal effects – am glad it is not worse" he said coldly, but his expression softened when his mother teared up. He was still upset that she went ahead with his father's weird plans, but it hurt him to see her in pain "am okay, maa" he added as after thought "am taking my medication to help me regain my health, don't worry"

She raised her hand as if to hold his hand but stopped midway when Phana stiffened. She followed him silently to the den which was now loud with Ten's whining and Pete's annoyed words to leave him alone.

Jay sat there with a stern look but for once didn't ask the boys to keep it down. His gaze fixed on his oldest as soon as he entered the room.

"What is it Phi?" Ten broke the awkward silence, "do you have a lover – are you bring her to get married like Beam? Is she poor? Why the suspense?"

Phana ignored Ten words though it hurt slightly, but rather fixed his eyes on Pete who refused to meet him eye to eye. Suddenly, he felt his throat dry and brain blank, unable to form a single word.

"if you are going to stand there like a statue, we all have better things to do" Jay said sternly, "and if it is what I think it is – I suggest you get out now". That snapped him out of his stupor

"It is" Phana said, "You have lied my whole life – but I won't" he cast a challenging look at his father "not to them, not to myself"

"You don't know what damage you will cause to your brothers" Jay got up shouting "to yourself... you will be a harmless chick in world of vultures"

Phana chuckled, "I grew up with one, I know how to protect myself"

"Your dabbles in market" Jay snickered "beginners luck"

"I will be a doctor, I will be content" Phana responded back as both his brothers watched the exchange in silence "I might be poor, but I will be happy"

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