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<< Mature content!! hmmm... yeah,  that's it for warning; not that you are going to heed anyway!! >>

Ming kissed Phana deeply, tightening his hands around the taller's waist. Ming's dominance excited Phana as he desperately tried to free himself and take control but the younger was unrelenting until he surrendered. 

Phana slowly gave up fighting and concentrated on mimicking the others actions and breathing as it seemed the other was literally sucking his life and soul through that kiss.

Ming moved slowly moved back on the bed dragging the other on top of him and in a blink of an eye quickly rolled over now his entire length stretched over Phana. He finally broke away from those addictive lips and started kissing Phana's neck as he inhaled the fresh scent that had him mesmerized. He felt a pair of hands wrap around him as his own started to explore the soft skin that was presented to him like a full course meal... and damm him for he was starving to leave his marks all over the perfect skin.

A low moan slipped Phana's lips when he felt teeth graze over his shoulders and unconsciously, he tightened his grip around Ming's back to pull him in closer. He could feel the others erection rubbing against him and it gave him a sense of victory to know that he had this effect over the other, it was not just him suffering a painful hard-on. He experimented by lifting his hips a bit to rub against Ming, who quickly caught on.

"Someone is impatient" Ming said as he pulled back a little so that he can enjoy the view and was momentarily blown away by the sight that welcomed him. 

Phana's cheeks were flushed, hair messily covering his forehead as it now laid flat with the water from his shower combined with sweat and the pretty lips swollen and bright pink from the kiss earlier, they were slightly parted as the other' s labored breath left them. 

Only thing incomplete was Phana had his eyes closed as he had his head tiled and pressed into the bed – presenting his sharp chin as a sacrifice for the others taking.

Ming quickly kissed his chin and started moving downwards soon sucking on Phana's neck, "Look at me" he said his tone half a command and half a request "I want you to see me... I want to drown into beautiful eyes of yours" he continued his butterfly kissed towards his chin, lips, nose only to stop when Phana open his eyes and instantly turn away from Ming.

"Shyness suits you baby" Ming said with a chuckle only to be smacked on his back as the Phana turned more pink if that was even possible "feisty" Ming teased only to be pulled back into a kiss more hungrier this time.

Ming lowered his waist down and rubbed against the other, making Phana moan louder as he kneaded Ming's biceps and arched his back as the younger started to trail down with his kisses as he pushed the shirt up so that now it was bunched up under Phana's chin.

Phana was slightly bigger that Ming in terms of built, with lean well-toned muscles that seemed to carry certain softness to them. Ming spread his hands on Phana's flat stomach intrigued by the way it seemed to fit perfectly under his palms "You are so .... " he looked up pausing only to see doubts cloud the other's face as he looked up "God... you make me lose my control" Ming acted without thinking, he quickly undressed taking off shirt and pulling down his sweat pants and underwear just enough to free his hard length.

He then quickly did the same to the older, but he made sure the other was completely naked for his touch and before Phana could process what is happening, Ming took the other's length into his mouth as his hands started to play with the older's nipple. Phana gasped, tilted his head back and closed his eyes in ecstasy – not even in his wildest fantasy had he ever imagined something so pleasurable.

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