~ 39 ~

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A/N: This chapter might be a bit confusing to those who have not read 'Choices'; but have tried my best to keep it simple

Phana's muffled scream filled the room as he orgasmed for the 4th time that evening, Ming captured those open lips and swallowed the end of it as he burst out inside the older at the same time. It took them both a few minutes to come down from the high, only heavy sighs filling their room.

Ming slowly pulled back as he watched the other, Phana looked away unable to meet the younger's exploring eyes.

"It has been a year and half since we are married" Ming smiled "why do you still blush like it is our first time?" he placed a chaste kiss on Phana's cheeks, "it makes me want to make you scream again"

Phana pushed him with as his might and the pain that shot up in his lower half made him gasps "stop now if you want me to send you off tomorrow" he softly rolled over but Ming just pulled him back into his arms, settling into a comfortable position on their bed.

"we can always uber and I can ask Aim to drop you home" Ming ran his fingers through Phana's hair "you are back on the same day I return right?"

Phana nodded, "my flight will arrive two hours before yours if there is no delay"

"I would have been glad if Kit is joining you" Ming said, "it is a pity he could not join you this time"

"hmm" Phana just closed his eyes as he wrapped his hands around Ming, "I have a feeling this time, I will find him... I will get him back"

Ming closed his as well "my son is a year older than me" he chuckled, "let's aim for a daughter next time.. one that won't run away and make you search for her around the world"

Phana smiled, he had not gotten used to Ming referring Beam as their child. For some reason, it didn't sound like a joke or sarcasm coming from him unlike others yet he still grumbled "stop it"

"we are like a old couple right... having sex and then talking about kids" Ming said, "I like it"

"Ming" Phana sat up as he looked at Ming, "I know the doctors said the drug effects are now off... but what if" he paused but Ming pulled him back into his arms "then we adopt... one, two, ten... as many as you want"

"how about you?" Phana wondered, "do you even want kids... have you even thought of kids"

"you remember ... we went to orphanage?" Ming continued as he closed his eyes, Phana walking around carrying that small boy flashed before his eyes making him smile automatically "you carried around that kid for the entire time we were there.... I thought that you will be a wonderful father, and I hated the fact that I was not a girl or carrier who can give you that happiness"

"Bi" Phana sighed, "I wonder how he is?" but he paused as re processed Ming's words, "what?"

"Yeah, it never occurred to me that you can be a carrier... but I could clearly see how you loved kids, and all I can think of was that I can't give you that future" Ming said, "this was in my 2nd year.... I think I subconsciously hoped for a family with you then"

"sorry" Phana said, "I was an idiot ... I should have been more honest with you"

"past is past" Ming said, "I should have talked to you, explained to you about... but" his words were stopped when Phana kissed him on his lips "past is past... maybe we needed this time to understand ourselves, now we are stronger for that"

"well... if we are stronger" Ming hugged Phana in a tight grip and rolled him over but Phana quickly shook his head "no, am already sore and it hurts to sit..."

"but I wont see you for another two months" Ming pouted "come on.." he leaned in and grazed Phana's collar bone with his teeth "just one more" as he started positioning himself between Phana's leg "let me mark you just once more" as he started stroking Phana's member.

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