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"That was the best one-night... er.. one-day stand ever" Ming said as he stretched, what had started during breakfast continued all the way through dinner and they managed to feed each other some food. He was left surprised by how well Phana had matched his pace, there were times when few people who had their first time with him left him do all the work and by end of it, he had felt unsatisfied.

"You are a wild one... you were not lying to me, right? I am not your first, right?" Ming winked at Phana who was fixing his clothes one last time before he heads out. 

The younger's words hurt him, but he quickly shook it off, "I might be a lot of things, never a liar" Phana said with gritted teeth. His whole body was sore... his ass was burning and the pain killers he took along with dinner seemed to make no difference. He had to remind himself as he dressed – a one night was all Ming offered and he had chosen it just to tick off his parents.

Neither had any affection for other and it was just sex.

"Thanks" Phana's tone matched his expression – cold and detached, "You didn't have to... but thanks for letting me stay yesterday. Don't think I could have handled it if we had done it yesterday"

Ming was taken aback by the sudden change in Phana's demeanor, did he say something wrong? He was just giving a compliment.

"I do consider you my friend P" Ming said, "I wouldn't do that to a friend"

"We are not friends Ming" Phana said as he looked around for his car keys, "I don't use that word lightly... friends mean something to me, and I don't go around sleeping with them. You are my junior who I slept with... in your terms we are a one-night stand. Let's leave it at that – we don't need labels"

"on the table behind the first-aid box" Ming said as he observed the other search for something and then it had clicked it must be his keys, "I left it there". He could not understand what made Phana switch back to his guarded mode, he could not understand how they went from being sweet and feeding each other dinner to this... no labels.

"Thanks" Phana said as he picked up his keys.

"Phana" Ming got up feeling restless, he could see he had hurt the other, but he had been open from day 1, he never promised more... okay, he had never done things he did to Phana to his hookups, but this is different – they knew each other a lot to treat each other like strangers from a bar.

"it is P'Phana" Phana corrected, he was furious... he was angry mostly at himself for doing what he did, for having expected more from a player. 

For doing what he did just to rebel against his father... he had gained nothing except sore ass and knowledge that he liked being the bottom!!! He was not as straight as he thought himself to be.

The realization caused him more worry, maybe his father was right about him all along!!! Maybe he was the weakness in Kongathanin family tree.

"P'Phana who was begging for my dick" Ming said in a sarcastic tone, "you don't get to lecture me when you used me to handle whatever stuff you are going through.... If am guessing it right – it was either revenge or rebellion... don't act all high and mighty to me"

Phana gulped, it was true... he had used Ming, he had used the one person who made him feel good, comforted, safe... he had used someone younger than him.

"I am sorry" Phana said, "but you could have said no when I called you. I didn't use you, but simply took you up on your offer" his mouth was spitting out nonsense on the contrary to what he felt.

Ming glared at him, he knew Phana was right – he could have turned him down or let him go before things got complex, but he didn't want to... he could also see how Phana was building his walls. 

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