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"Hello Phi" Ming walked towards Phana as soon as the practice session was over, "can I ask you something?" making the older sigh. "is it related to the competition?" Ming shook his head, "is it related to the university in any way?" Ming shook his head in response, "then you have no need to talk to me" Phana walked away.

Ming sighed, he liked the chase... he enjoyed making the other person blush and stutter, but the man in front of him seemed too cold and it only triggered him more to chase after the other. Phana might become his best conquest ever. He smirked as he decided to wait for Phana to finish whatever he was doing.

He moved to the back of the auditorium and sat there observing his senior, who responded with a kind smile with a contrasting cold eye to anyone who talked to him, guiding them in whatever they needed. He then started helping the team that were folding the chairs and putting them away.

Before he knew it, another 50 minutes had gone by, but Phana seemed to be busy as ever and now he was arranging some boxes as he crossed checked the list – something Ming knew he already did once before. Just watching Phana do all the work made him feel tired.

"Phaaaa" a loud greeting made him frown, from what he had researched – the perfect current campus moon had only two weakness – some said best friends, some said they were a throuple. Ming perked up as continued to watch the small figure with a cute face and an even cuter dimple walk in.

Not bad, Ming thought to himself... he would definitely hit on the cute guy if only he had not set his eyes on the taller. "Stop double checking everything.... Am sure staff would also put these away" the smaller man, named Kit, pulled the other. "I know you must be starving... it is almost 8"

Kit was not very loud but the empty auditorium echoed his words and made it easy for Ming to hear, but sadly he could not hear his target's response. But what shook him was how soft his eyes were... his entire face seemed to have blossomed into something kind and beautiful.

Ming gulped, feeling a small annoyed with the shorter. Was cute really Phana's type? He sighed, he can be cute if need be... but he for sure was not going to get fucked, he tried it once and it was not for him. He liked to top. Topping the taller man who had stotic face almost always... making him moan and scream his name would be, he stopped. He can't become obsessed.

"let's go Pha.... You need to take care of yourself" Kit handed the other a bottle of juice, "now at least drink this... I know you wouldn't have had anything after our lunch". Ming frowned, now that he thought... Phana did distribute snacks, but did he eat it? He had no idea.

He watched the two leave the auditorium, Kit dragging Phana away ... taller just letting himself be pulled with a smile on his face.


It was Friday, the 5th day of the campus moon practice. They had a new choreography to learn and Phana, Pring and Forth his engineering senior were monitoring them along with the choreographer... well more of Phana and the other two were mostly making jokes about their pathetic flexibility.

Ming was not a great dancer, but he had a better control over his limbs thanks to his years and years of Muay Thai practice. He was a fighter, but he picked up the steps faster – he was more agile than most folks on stage.

He winked at Phana when they made eye contact, but the latter just ignored him as always. By now, Ming knew the older's schedule by heart... he will be exactly 15 minutes prior to the scheduled time for the meeting, cross check on the content, then check on the supply – waters and snacks for the participants and finally on anything that is new for the day. Once the practice is done, he will ensure that all they used is put away and clean making the cleaning crew's life easier.

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