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"Don't Run" Kit shouted on top of his lungs as he tried running after Indu and his boy, Zack who were now almost three, just in time for them to trip over and start crying. Zack because he scratched his knee that is now bleeding and Indu because she was startled by the sudden fall.

Akshrara and Ankr stopped for a second before taking off to escape the wrath of their parents, having see the glare that Beam was sending their way for starting the chaos.

Ming sighed as he got up and walked towards his daughter with a 8 month pregnant Phana follow him slowly.

"P'Kit told you both to stop" Ming chided her, "why didn't you?" but he still kissed her cheeks and wiped away her tears. Phana had managed to reach them and was slowly checking for any wounds. He smiled when he found none "don't chase after those two darlings, play with Zack... see how Blu is waiting for you both to join them?" he pointed to the 2 year old boy who sat near Forth playing with his lego's.

"Are we late?" Park's voice boomed through the commotion, making all 5 kid to look in his direction and run towards Park and Lam, and they quickly surrounded Park – the only adult who will go along with all their tactics.

Forth smiled at Lam who shook his head and joined the adults "I get both tempted and scared when I see them all together"

"maybe you guys should plan to adopt too" Prae said as he handed over water to Yihwa. "all of us should enjoy that torture of having kids" Yihwa said as she watched her younger son also join the rowdy gang

"mom" Nate complained "you are being too mean"

"please" Yihwa said, "am dreading your teens more than I dread these youngsters' causing trouble"

That comment had Nate groan and walkaway but they all heard him sass "with you all as parents, what do you expect of us"

Lam had to agree, "he is right, you know" he looked at Forth and Beam, and finally Kit join them once he had cleaned up Zack's wounds.

"Phana" Beam called out as he pulled a comfortable chair "sit here"

Ming helped Phana sit down, and cast a worried look at his swollen ankle "Do you want something to rest your foot on?"

"I got it" Beam unfolded a small footrest and helped Phana place his feet on the same. "If I didn't know better I would say you are having twins" he said with a soft smile, and softer voice towards his friends "he is going to be one big baby"

"well – he has a giraffe and gorilla for parents" Pam said, "a lovely giraffe and ...." She corrected when she saw Ming glare at her but stuck her tongue out just to annoy him.

Forth shook his head, "I see what you mean" he said to Lam, "with us as parents – it will be a miracle if they turn our half decent"

"Talk about yourself" Ming said, "Ankr and Indu are angles, thanks to Phana... he is the best possible dad any child can have"

Forth started to argue but was silenced with a glance from Beam, making everyone laugh.

"Stop" Phana sighed as he took a deep breath. Just a few steps had him tired and he was really getting worried how he could take care of the third with Indu keeping him busy all day. Just was he was lost in thoughts Ankr walked up to him with a glass of water and gave it to Phana "Dad"

"thank you" Phana took the water and gave a soft smile to his oldest "I am going to play games with P'Nate. Is that okay?"

"Sure" Phana responded "but after we cut the cake – now can you call him down for me?"

Ankr nodded excitement visible as walked back towards the house with a bright smile.

"he sure is a wonderful kid" Park said, "polite and sweet. Wish other monsters are more like him"

"they are all perfect in their own way" Phana said sharply, "don't ever compare one against another"

Prae nodded "we don't compare kids in this family"

"So, are we ever gonna get started? Or just chit chat?" Yiwha asked making Forth stand up and called for the kids in his booming voice.

Beam rolled his eyes and walked back while Lam commented "reminds me of out Sotus times, every single freshmen used to be scared of him with one exception sitting here" pointing to Ming.

Nine and Earth walked in each carrying a wide range of gifts, and following Nine was a tall girl with wide shoulders and even wider smile. "We come bearing gifts" Nine said but in a softer voice added "control those little devils so that they don't scare off my date"

Yihwa scoffed but walked toward the girl "if she is not scared of you, am sure nothing will scare her off"

Phana looked up with curious eyes, a bit surprised that ever cold P'Nine had that soft smile. But his thoughts were broken when Ming covered his eyes, "stop looking at people with that smile... don't look at anyone like that, especially P'Nine"

"Oh my god, Ming" Phana pulled down his hands roughly, "it has been ages and am carrying your child"

"So?" Ming challenged but instantly softened when he saw Phana glare "it is just that .. er.. not like.. er" he gave up explaining and simply pressed his lips against the older, a peck turning into a full blown make-out session.

Phana slightly pushed him back despite his blush he tried to glare at Ming, "you can't just kiss me every time you do something stupid"

Ming gave his usual cheeky grin "I can and I will.... Almost ten years of marriage and you still manage to make me jealous"

"you get jealous if I breathe" Phana looked away, only to find his friends and Forth's brothers look at them with a goofy smile. He turned beet red knowing that they had witnessed it all. Kit winked while Lam wolf whistled and at the same time Prae said with a laugh "there are kids here, control your hormones man"

Not being able to get up instantly , he simply turned and hid his face against Ming who chuckled and wrapped his hands around "stop teasing my husband"

"Yeah, but you should stop first Appa" Ankr stepped in, "you tease dad the worse"

"take down by his own son" Pam laughed, "well done kiddo"

"All of you shut up" Yihwa said in a loud voice as she walked out carrying a big cake that said "Happy Anniversary".

All kids surrounded the cake except for Nate and Ankr, and slowly the adults gathered together as well.

Phana simply stood where he was earlier sitting, with Ming right next to him. His pregnancy was painful and tiring but he bore wit all well with a smile accompanied by his husband and kids. Indu waddled up to him and hugged his legs making Ming lift her into her arms.

Ming also wrapped his hands around Phana's back who leaned into him, "You should sit.... Am sure Beam would not mind" Phana simply shook his head "it is easy to stand than sit in that weird thingy he calls chair"

"you want to go home?" Ming asked concerned but Phana shook his head "just stay with me"

"Always" Ming responded accompanied with a soft kiss on Phana's temple making Indu frown he then kissed her cheeks making Phana laugh "she inherited your possessiveness and jealousy... like father like daughter"

Ming simply shrugged and nodded when Ankr turned to look at them, making the boy run to them "All okay dad?"

"how did they both take after you?" Phana sighed but pulled in Ankr closer "am okay darling".

Phana smiled reassuringly at the curious glance that Kit shot his way as he plated the cake distributing it to the kids. He was happy, is happy. Phana turned and looked at Ming "I love you" he confessed again feeling content.

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