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"Did I do something wrong?" Wayo asked Ming when he had finally attended other's call, "why are you avoiding me?"

Ming sighed, "I am not avoiding you"

"don't lie... you are always busy, even when Posh and Aim aren't, you hardly respond to my text messages even then it is just a very short answers and you hardly pick your phone" Yo went on and on, "I would rather you fight with me straight than do this... this is ridiculous"

"I am not fighting with you" Ming said, "I am trying my best not to cause you any more pain"

"What the fuck" Yo yelled on the other side, "just man up and tell me straight you stupid. What the fuck is going on with you for the last one month"

"i... er" Ming took a deep breath "Pam.. she tol"

"I knew it" Yo said, "all I could think of was how abruptly you left the club, spill it"

"That my moping is causing you trouble" Ming said, not wanting to callout his friend as well, "that you were getting tired of having to cheer me up all the time"

There was absolute silence for next couple of minutes and Ming got worried by the second "Yo... Wayo.. can you hear me? Are you there?"

"I am here" Yo responded softly, "you will never tire me out... okay, no amount of you mopping or being troublesome will cause me any trouble"

"Why?" Ming knew he was being a coward, total coward and he cursed himself for that but still he could not build up courage to let down his friend easily.

"Because you are you" Yo said, "just like how you can never hate P'Pha because he is P'Pha"

"Yo" Ming sighed, "where are you?"

"Am in my dorm room" Yo paused a bit, "listen... forget what I said" but Ming cut him off "I will be there in 10 minutes" and disconnected. He stopped thinking and acted on instinct.


Ming stopped right in front of Wayo's room... he had no clue what he was going to say or why he had visited the other, but Yo's voice and tone... he thought of nothing but comforting the other. Being with him like he had always been there. He took deep breath and knocked

"Since when do you knock?" Yo asked as he opened the door with a smile, "I could hear you thinking on the other end... don't hurt that small brain of yours"

"What did you mean by that?" Ming followed him into the room, but instead of jumping on to Wayo's bed like he always did he simply leaned against  his worktable.

"That you don't have brain?" Yo smiled

"don't joke" Ming snapped, "I meant on the phone"

"Why did you rush here if you didn't understand it" Yo threw the question back at him with a glare but then he paused, "look... forget what I said, I was just... just"

"Why did you never tell me?" he asked, "all this time... since when"

"I don't know" Yo smiled, "heck I encouraged you to go after P' Phana, but I guess I saw a very different side of you after.... And it took me some time to realize what I felt for you"

"Do you still?" Ming paused; he wasn't sure what he was going to do with whatever Yo might answer

"Maybe... I don't know" Yo shrugged, "I mean... it is weird at the same time comfortable, and I feel lonely"

"yeah" Ming nodded, it would be comfortable with Yo, a whole lot comfortable with him than ... he stopped thinking. "Do you want to try?" Wayo asked after a few minutes of silence

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