~ 07 ~

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"Let's assemble at 7" Phana said looking at the fundraiser committee that included Forth, Ming, Korn , Prae, Pam and a few other juniors. Forth and Korn nodded, knowing it is not possible to argue with he taller. Few of the juniors groaned but none dared to speak.

"But phi... it doesn't start until 8 30, why not we meet at 8?" Ming said, "we are a 10 member team! I am sure we can get the setup done in 30 minutes"

Few more people nodded along "Phi... it is hard for us to come that early to the park" Pam said, "neither I or Rose have a car"

"I can pick you gals up... anyone else that needs a ride" Phana said, "but that would mean I meet you even before".

"That is ridiculous... you will then have to start driving earlier. Don't you need rest P?" Ming asked, "let's meet at 8 P... that way we can pick up anyone who needs a ride around 7 and we will be on time"

Forth looked at Ming in surprise as he continued to talk, he was half expecting Phana to snap back at him but the taller just sighed, "I will be there at 7 – anyone who wants to tag with me I can pick you guys up. Rest please try and be there by 8"

Forth had seen Phana do almost all the tasks by himself when they were freshmen moons and the said tasks include setting up tents, medical camps for the doctors to join and organizing students to collect funds and be accountable to keep them safe.

Phana gave Forth a pleading look, "I will meet you there at 7" Forth said he looked at Korn who also simply nodded "yeah... me too"

Now that the seniors were in agreement other freshmen had no option but to come early if not at 7 at least by 7 30. Ming looked, he can see that the other was genuinely happy when Forth and Korn had agreed to come early. He glared at Forth who just winked at him.

"Wad will pick up Pam and Rose and will meet you there" Ming said finally, a little annoyed that Forth had caused that gleam in Phana's eyes and more than that he had the audacity to wink at him. If only he had not been his immediate senior... he took a deep breathe to calm himself down.

"okay then" Phana said, "thank you guys... for spending this Saturday for a cause. See you all tomorrow and good night"

Everyone started to move, but Phana hinted Forth to stay back and he did with a sigh. Ming noticed it but he just decided to walk away. It annoyed him for some reason, but he held his silence and walked away but not without glaring at Forth once again.

Forth waited till the room was clear, "So... what is going on with Ming? Why does it feel like he wants to kill me every time he sees me talking to you?"

"nope... you are not going to avoid me any longer" Phana said with a cold look as he folded his hands, "just what hell is going on between Beam and you?"

"I am dating him" Forth said mimicking Phana's stance "and last time I checked you are not his parent or his boyfriend... so fuck off"

"You know I won't... you would do the same for Lam" Phana said seriously, "he might look strong, he might look as if he is not hurt... but trust me he would be hurting inside so tread carefully Forth"

"Noted" Forth said annoyed, "anything else?"

Phana had no option but to sigh, he walked closer, and his expression softened "please... I trust you. I trust you not to hurt him and take care of him"

"You sound like a broken hearted lover" Forth said, "do you like him?"

Phana looked at him without any expression, "you really think that?"

It was Forth's turn to fold, "No... but Pha, know this – I will do my best to not hurt him. I can see how much of a precious person he is and how he hides his true self... but the glimpses I have gotten only leave me astounded"

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