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"The bullet just got his shoulders" doctor said as he stepped out the operation theater "we have removed it, luckily it did not hit any bones or major nerves... he will be moved to him room after 24 hours".

Phana nodded, his whole family stood next to him – including Jay and Phor. They told him the On has been handed over to the police for shooting, Phor kept apologizing but none of it had mattered to Phana... he cared for only one person who laid unconscious and out of his reach.

"Stay with him here" Jay said to Pete, who nodded as his father walked away with Ten and his mother, ignoring Phor who also left after another 15 minutes mumbling something about his kids being alone.

The silence was broken when Pete's phone rang loud, he sighed as he got up and walked away to answer when he saw Kit's name flash.

He had been so proud of his brother, strong and confident as he owned his truth, as he proclaimed that he would stand by his father and ensure the right thing is done in future but he could not digest the fact that someone actually tried to shoot him – kill his brother!

Pete vented it all out to Kit, who ended the call with just few words "I will be there soon" and true to his words, in another 30 minutes Kit walked in towards the waiting room. He ignored the crowd and went straight to Phana.

Phana looked at his friend and nodded, Kit sighed, Beam was supposed to be back from his internship today and they were all supposed to meet for dinner but when both of them didn't answer their phone his priority had been to check in on Phana given the situation.

His heart had skipped a beat when he heard Pete narrate how close he had come to losing his best friend.

"It's Ming" Phana said softly to which Kit replied "I heard... I told Lam to inform Yo and his parents, how are you?"

Phana shook his head, strangely there were no tears, as he repeated "his name.... Ming"

It dawned on Kit, Phana was answering about the guy who had refused him... but then why this? And like an idiot he had asked Lam to inform Yo! Speaking of the devil, Aim and Yo came running asking for Ming's condition and Pete explained the same to them.

"You want to go somewhere?" Kit asked but Phana shook his head.

"you bastard" Aim landed a full punch on Phana's face "was it not enough you tormented him for three years... now he has to die for you?" he caught the older's collar and shook him. Yo quickly caught Aim and pulled him back while Kit and Pete tried to step in-between

"What do you mean?" Phana didn't even flinch at his broken lips, he pulled back Kit and Pete – "what did you mean?"

"Don't act naïve, that idiot was in love with you for so long and all you did was string him along" Aim spat, "he was so much in love with you that he now jumps to take a bullet for you... I am going to kill him"

"Love me?" Phana froze, his eyes shuttling between Aim and Yo

"We broke after just few weeks of dating P' Pha" Yo said still holding Aim back, "it was not even dating... but he loved you, from day 1"

"You don't deserve him" Aim screamed, "you fucking bastard... you don't deserve him"

"Aim" Yo sighed, "come on, please ... calm down" he dragged his friend as he looked a Pete "call me when he wakes up... we will be outside for some time"

Phana looked at Kit, "why would he... am just.. why?" he dropped on the ground unconscious.


"It is just exhaustion and malnutrition, he is anemic too" doctor explained as he looked at the pale faces of both Pete and Kit "I am running further bloodwork, but for now he is okay. Am a little concerned on his BP but will know after other tests"

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