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Kit swallowed unable to look Phana in the eye, he cast one look at Prae who also looked concerned. 

Pete sighed, "Beam is missing... like he ran away".

"What?" Phana sat up straight, his IV line hurting him for a second before he adjusted the stand, "since when... I should have asked; he would not have stayed away if he knew ... why didn't any of you tell me"

"Phana" Prae called, "He came back on the day of your... er... yesterday, per the hospital and his car was at their home when we went... but Forth is silent. We are looking for him, don't get worked up we can't have your BP raise again"

"Am okay" Phana gave her a curt answer and looked at Kit "what happened?"

"Phana" Kit said, "just concentrate on getting better and Ming"

"Kit" Phana said, "tell me what happened... is he okay, is he hurt?"

Kit moved closer to his bed as he looked into those piercing eyes, "give me today – will fill you in tomorrow, can you do that?"

Phana remained silent for some time but finally nodded "how are you holding up?"

Kit scoffed, "one of you is in hospital and another is missing, it is a miracle that I have not driven Prae insane"

She smiled in response as she looked at Pete and then at Phana, "we are all looking... but for some reason Forth is not saying anything"

"He wouldn't just up and leave, never" Phana said with conviction and started to get up, "something is wrong" but Pete caught his brother's shoulder "you have to take care of yourself" he said "get well completely before you run off looking for him"

Phana looked conflicted, but finally gave up when Pete said, "Do you want another misunderstanding with Ming – guy takes a bullet for you, and you run around looking for another man?"

Prae chuckled, Phana looked like a toddler forced to choose between treats with his pout. So Cute!

Kit looked at her and rolled his eyes, "he is not cute" as Pete and Phana look at her shocked making her blush "didn't mean to say it out loud"


"You are officially discharged?" Ming smiled, "I don't see any nurse frowning behind you". Phana nodded, "how are you, did they change the dressing yet?"

"So no" Ming leaned back as he shook his head when Phana made a face "I am discharged as of yesterday... I just need to take my medication and eat healthy until the suppressor effect drains off"

"Any news on P'Beam?" Ming questioned to which Phana only shook his head.

"No... I just checked my phone today... and he had texted me on that day" he gulped, not sure if Ming will be okay to hear about Beam. He was aware of the younger's jealousy towards his best friend. 

He decided to be open and handed over his phone to Ming

Am finally executing my plan... I wish you and Kit the best, will always love you both. Stay safe and healthy. Don't search for me.

PS: get your engineer – my best wishes to you both!

Ming was bit surprised by the last statement, "do you know his plan?"

"He always used to talk about going abroad once he manages to get out of his parents clutches... especially US... we used to joke as kids that it's BAD - Beam's American Dream" Phana pocketed his phone "but why would he go now... Forth is avoiding all of us"

Ming looked at Phana for a minute silently before he said, "You want to look for him? Don't you?"

Phana gulped but slowly nodded worried if Ming would take it differently, but instead Ming just raised his brow "guys were not wrong, he really is like your son?!"

"not you too" Phana closed his eyes, "but maybe it is true, I love him more that Pete and Ten" he quickly panicked when Ming raised an eyebrow and  added "but... am not in love with him or anything! He is like my friend, brother... like familial love... not like how I love you, nothing like how I love you... he is like.. like"

"How do you love me?" Ming smirked as Phana turned a bright shade of pink. "Well... how do you love me P' Phana?"

"Shut up" Phana got up but Ming stopped by pulling his hand "not so fast... I will let it go for now, but did you get the scan?" Ming softly asked, "were you not scheduled for today?"

Phana shook his head, "where is your mom?"

"She knew you will be here, so she left... and she wont be back until tomorrow" Ming replied, but he continued before Phana could ask "I am hoping you will stay with me tonight but before you answer tell me about your scan"

"I didn't" Phana said as he sat on the chair next to Ming's bed "I have been on those medicines since puberty... am scared to know the result"

"Phana" Ming frowned but Phana quickly added "I know... but"

"don't force yourself, take your time" Ming said, "but what are you scared of"

Phana looked away unable to meet that soul piercing gaze, "what if am damaged... I mean, it is one to be normal man... but to be a carrier who can't have a child!!!"

Ming extended his hands and when Phana placed his in those wide palms he quietly gripped it tight and pulled Phana closer indicating him to sit on the bed with the taller followed wordlessly.

"I loved you when I didn't know you were a carrier... honestly it doesn't matter to me" he said softly, "we can always adopt... or if you want, we can get some kind of treatment, am assuming you would know all about it. I just want to marry you"

"What?" Phana looked up a bit stunned

"Will you marry me?" Ming asked, "I still have my internship and will be a year before I graduate... but" he smiled "will you marry this broke college student?"

"I spent 3 years pining after you, took me time to realize you are what I have been looking for ever since I wanted someone to have what my parents have" Ming said, "I don't have anything on me now... but will get your ring once I go on that internship"

Ming pulled himself to sit straight holding Phana's hands in his "you can do all the searching when am at the rig... until you find Beam, but spend every second with me when am in town. I wont ask you to change and I know you wont ask me to... so?"

It was only then that Ming noticed that Phana was turning redder by the second with eyes wide and mouth open. Ming softly shook the older "Phana... breathe"

"Yes" Phana responded as soon as he could gather his thoughts "I don't care for anything... I truly didn't hear most of what you said after marry me... but yes, yes and 100 times yes! Let's get married we can figure things out together" with that he leaned in and kissed Ming full on his mouth.

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