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"Here" Ming extended some napkins to Phana who was sweating profusely along with a bottle of water. 

"I have..." Phana turned to look at his water bottle, but it was empty, they were setting up the stage for rehearsal and he had been helping move the backdrop since he felt the need to physically exhaust himself.

"I know you have your empty bottle ... so take a new one" Ming pulled Phana's arms by force and placed the bottle in his hands, "thanks" Phana mumbled.

"Just so we are clear... I like you; I have been trying to understand what you like... but am coming up empty. So am doing it my way" Ming said seriously making the taller stop in place with his ears burning. 

After waiting for a few seconds, Ming tried again "you going to reply to me?"

"I am not gay" Phana said softly, "so sorry to disappoint you... but no"

Ming frowned, if he is not gay then what about the rumors? Was he letting him easy?. But then would it not be easier to say he is in a relationship and turn him down. But he decided to play with what he was given.

"well... you can be bisexual, you would never know unless you try... especially me" Ming winked, if the answer had been that he is in a committed relationship he might have backed off completely, but then... it is now a fair game.

"Not even a one-night stand?" Ming offered, "no commitment... just a night of animalistic and string-free sex?"

Phana now gritted his teeth, this junior in front of him was crossing so many lines.

"No" he said glaring at Ming, "now... don't talk to me anything unless it is related to this competition". 

Ming smiled wide, "Oh... you are so cute when you are angry Phi... too bad you are not pocket sized, but maybe that is your charm" with that he walked away leaving a fuming Phana behind.

Phana trashed the bottle in his hand and walked away. Maybe he can play some basketball and tire himself out. Or even better he could join his friends. He took his phone out and started messaging in their group chat.

Ming smirked as he watched his senior... he had seen him get flustered for a microsecond before he put on a cold façade and that gave him hope.


Phana walked towards the bleachers where he found Beam and Kit sitting together, what he didn't know was he was being followed. His frustrations bubbling up and the minute he was near them he blurted out "if only I can kill that bloody moon".

"Come on... he is in sotus" Beam said with a smile.

"Not Forth.... The freshman moon" Phana sighed, "Mingkwan .... He is driving me crazy, what the hell are they feeding there in engineering? Forth, Ming...all their moons are nothing but trouble". Kit nodded, "I know right..." but his eyes were fixes on Prae, a junior from medicine "we are in trouble"

"Oh..." Beam nudged Phana, "trouble indeed". 

Phana shook his head, he was not in a mood. He rested his head on his knees and closed his eyes. Ming's words had thrown him off – he could not figure out why he reacted to his flirting... it is not like people have not approached him before.. boys, girls, men, women... but for the first time he didn't know what to do.

His thoughts were cut short when he heard a cheery voice "Phi, don't tell me you are tired already"

"What do you want?" Phana asked without looking up, Beam decided to watch in silence while Kit had long gone, trying to flirt with the junior. 

"How can you keep up with me, if you are tired already?" the tall kid snickered, it was an innocent question, but his expression was anything but that. Beam chuckled; it is a good thing Pha had his eyes closed.

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