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Phana sat at the back for the fundraiser event – there were many wealthy figures moving around their auditorium, as well as press. He tried his best to make himself invisible avoiding his parents. He often felt a strong gaze from his junior campus moon but the ignored it.

Day had gone without an event, and he had busied himself in the preparations for the fundraiser that evening. All the hospital staffs, volunteers and students who had helped during the camp were present except for two.

Forth and Kongpop were also present as part of the campus moon committee, but both had graciously left him out of the frontline on his request and kind of pushed the current year moon and star to run the show from stage with Ming and Prae.

"You are not being successful in hiding" Phana heard Forth before he felt him put a hand on his shoulder, "if anything people will soon start to question why is Phana Kongathanin, the future chairman of Kongathanin Group missing in action"

Phana sighed, Forth sat next to him "all okay... I heard some rumors about Bill and San" he missed how the other paled at the mention of their names his eyes fixed on his parents, who were busy shaking hands of other wealthy folks, but fixed his expression quickly.

"What exactly did you hear?" he looked at Forth nonchalantly "they were caught doing some drugs and you were the one to reprimand them, now they are suspended! Did you injure yourself in the process?"

Phana let go of the breath he didn't know he was holding in "No... am good"

Forth watched him for few minutes in silence, "what is going on with you and Ming?".

"What. No, nothing? Why? Did he say something?" Phana's mask broke long enough for Forth to notice, "I don't know what you are talking about"

Forth shrugged, "he sent me to you... strange, isn't it?"

Phana looked away from the piercing gaze, "he is weird"

"Only when it comes to you" Forth pushed a little, "always only when it comes to you.... You make the happy go lucky kid turn all pensive and serious"

Phana got up, "Do you want to grab a bite... am hungry" he waited for Forth who nodded, he knew that was the end of discussion "Sure, let's go.... But Beam is waiting for me at home, so I will give you just company"


"Phana, Hope you remember Nine" his father walked together with Nine Jaturaphoom in tow who winked at Forth, "Hello P' " Phana bowed respectfully, "how have you been?"

Forth raised his eyes but Nine shook his head, clearly hinting his brother to shut up, which he did. "I see Forth and you are friends... it makes me happy to know he is wise when it comes to selecting his friends" Nine smiled, "if you will excuse me – I have been looking for my brother. I will catch up with you shortly"

Nine all but dragged Forth, "Don't say a word... I just want to get away from him" Forth smiled, "Father or son?". Nine shrugged, "Father mostly – son, I don't mind"

"P" Forth glared at his brother who simply laughed, "so, how is Beam?" with that he had effectively distracted his younger brother. He cast one quick look at the father son duo before moving away.

"I heard you caused another trouble" Jay said in a hushed tone the second Forth and Nine were out of earshot "did people find out? I mean an attempted rape!!! It is embarrassing... just how bad were you flaunting yourself... that too to kids younger than you ..."

Phana gulped, he had not raised any concern with the faculty just for this very reason... but who. He stopped thinking it was clear as day who would have outed him like that. He looked away from the stern gaze of his father.

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