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Ming frowned, Phana had been doing one thing or another, even if he didn't have to, non-stop from 7 and it was almost noon. Korn, Yo and Rose were sitting along with him taking a break and enjoying the cool drinks that Phana had ordered for them earlier.

"I will have yours" Yo grabbed the juice from Ming's hand "I would rather drink it than let you kill it", Ming sighed "he has not even rested for 5 minutes... how can someone be this much of an workaholic?"

Yo followed Ming's line of sight, "it is not normal right?" Ming asked, "I mean... not everything has to be perfect... and this is ridiculous" he was getting annoyed both at Phana and others; and in an impulse he started walking towards the taller.

"You are coming with me" Ming caught Phana's left hand and started dragging him. 

The taller lost his balance but quickly got over the surprise. He pulled his arm back as he glared at Ming "Just what the fuck are you doing?" he shouted at the younger making people around him look.

Their perfect, well-behaved campus moon who has always masked his emotions with a polite smile was now yelling in the middle of a fundraiser event at a junior... not just yelling but cursing. That caught more attention than required.

"I put up with your antics doesn't give you the right to boss over me" Phana said his face grim, "next time call me like a decent human being... am not a thing to be dragged"

"Well... I wouldn't have to if you managed to listen to what I have been saying for past couple of hours – take a fucking break... drink a glass of dammed water before you kill yourself" Ming wasn't backing down as well.

"Huh?" Phana lost his focus, but Ming continued "eat something before I force feed you myself, this event will go on if you sit that ass down for 10 minutes"

Both Phana and Ming stood glaring at each other.

"Your friend has guts" Korn said, and Yo simply nodded with a smile as he watched the two in a standoff. He sighed, took a bottle of juice and walked up to them "here P'Pha please have this" he almost pushed the bottled juice in the seniors hand and turned to Ming "walk away now... come on"

"Why the hell can't he take a break?" Ming said to Yo, "I mean... everyone is taking a break here and he is out there in the tent tallying the collection..." He turned "I can help you... would it kill you to let me help you?" he glared at his senior.

Forth walked in, "go on folks... nothing to watch, break is over – start with your collection" he tried to get the small crowd that was forming around them to stop.

"It is the whole collection" Phana said seriously, "but doesn't mean I am going to steal it or any of us here for that matter" Ming shot back

"I didn't say that" Phana said feeling a bit guilty, "it.. er.. I am just used to.."

"yeah, you are used to doing it all by yourself" Ming took a deep breath, "but let us also help you... despite all the cribbing most of us were here by 7 30 weren't we... trust us a little"

Phana gasped and went silent for a second before turning around, he bowed "I didn't think you are not trustworthy or anything... I just assumed you wouldn't want the responsibility... I am sorry". 

All the volunteers were surprised, they had not expected him to make a public apology – then again in that sincere tone, looking all guilty.

"Aish...." Ming pulled him back, "you don't have to do that... we know that you don't think of us as thieves or anything... now let's P'Korn or P'Forth take over, and join me for lunch"

"No.. it's okay" Phana said but Ming was not having any, "my treat for driving me here" he waited as Phana stood looking torn.

Forth glared at the students who were now enjoying the show and that made them move away leaving just a few within earshot

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