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Yo watched Ming as he continued to sip his coffee looking anywhere except him, but he held his silence for once waiting for the other to start talking.

 After what felt like an eternity, "Let's go back to being friends" Ming said abruptly, "I tried Yo, tried a lot. But er.. but it is not fair to you too. You deserve someone who loves you with all his heart and ..." he paused not able to meet the smaller man's eyes. 

It had been almost a month since their medical camp and it was only Phana who occupied every second of his thought.

"I was expecting it when you wanted to meet... in fact you are late" Yo said with a soft smile, "well... at least we tried". Ming remained silent feeling guilty.

"I don't love you like you love P' Phana" Yo sighed, "so it is not just you... I think I liked the version on Ming you were becoming but the ultimate reason for your change was not me"

"Am sorry" Ming said "I really am"

"It is okay and me too. I knew from the start your heart lay elsewhere and foolishly I believed that I could make it mine" he took a deep breath "Guess we are better friends than we thought we were" Yo chuckled, "it is sad it took us to long to figure it out"

"I was a coward" Ming said, "I didn't..."

"This is the first time you have initiated a breakup" Yo interrupted him, "do you realize.... It is either just a one-night stand or you will go with the flow, not really bothering if you love that person or not".

Ming frowned after a few minutes of self-realization, he had to accept that Yo was right.

"Have you spoken to him?" Yo took a bite out of the sushi they had ordered, "what's the holdup... other than our relationship?"

"I lost him" Ming said, "long back... he once told me that it is not me that he is saying no to, but to being a one-night stand" he took a deep breathe, "yet I only offered him that... it took me a while to realize I truly loved him but by then I had lost him"

"You confessed?" Yo sounded surprised; he didn't know this had happened. Usually, Ming told him everything.

"I tried to ask him to date me... but that day I only got my heart broken" Ming paused, "or I broke his... am not sure. He said he can't hang out with me because he will fall in love with me... and I was not ready for that commitment"

"You took him camping" Yo stressed his words, "you took him camping but you didn't know you loved him"

"Karma really is a bitch" Ming chuckled "it dawned up on me a bit late... camping is for family!!! I even said that to him".

Yo sighed as he shook his head, "I don't know what to say"

"How about your best friend is a scum and dumbest person to exists on earth?" Ming smiled for a first time in a long time when Yo repeated those exact words, it felt good be Yo's friend again... he missed his best friend "I missed you... I missed my best friend" he said those words instantly making Yo nod "I did too"

"You know what I hate?" Yo asked as he continued to eat, "Aim is going to gloat – I don't know how he kept his mouth shut all this time"

"Posh" Ming said as it explained it all, "they must have had a good laugh at our expense or at least they will"

"I know right" Yo frowned, "I hate those to perspective idiots"


"You have been acting weird" Beam stated the very second Phana opened the door to him, "if you are that sick... let me take you a doctor" Kit folded his hands next to him.

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