~ 05 ~

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He checked his reflection one again, dressed in a simple white shirt and black denin he deemed himself presentable. He was sure the group pictures will be posted on the larger forum and his father would definitely get his hands on it. He wanted to be perfect.

Phana sighed, quickly searched his bag for glasses, he had to cover his eyes, the incident earlier in the day had left him confused and shaken to the core, what made it worse was the tears that followed being disappointment in himself.

He didn't like men, heck, he had never liked anybody and maybe that is why his body is reacting, finally like that of a normal teenager. Maybe that is it, it was his virgin ass reacting to physical touch... no one had ever gotten this close to him before, no one had ever touched him in a sexual manner like Ming did!!! No had ever kissed him... he can't even remember when his mother last kissed him... was he 8 or 9...

Phana took a deep breathe, he can master his hormones... it wouldn't be as hard as what he would have to face at home if he failed. For some reason 'Mind over matter' flashed in his head and he silently cursed Ten for his twilight obsession.

"Are you ever going to stop admiring yourself?" Kit smacked his shoulders, "you keep doing that you are never going to find someone". Phana smiled, "I know... none can match my good looks". Kit shook his head as he changed topic, "we are leaving early tomorrow, right?"

Phana nodded, "yup"

"not sure if Beam would be joining us" Kit said, "the way Forth has been hogging him... I think we might lose him to the dark side pretty soon" he sighed, "how are you holding up?".

Phana looked a bit surprised, "what?"

"You are losing your best friend... your favorite son" Kit smiled, "how are you holding up?"

"Am not losing him" Phana mumbled, "and stop with the son analogy, it is getting old".

"Oh please... do you know you are trending again, this time it's 'Daddy Phana'" Kit laughed, "I can't believe you spanked you junior just like that... but some clips after that, it was nice to see you smile really carefree"

"Trending, video?" Phana felt scared. Kit quickly got on his feet, "Phana ... you are a grown ass man now, it is time you stop worrying about what your father thinks"

"Easy for you to say" Phana sighed as he scrolled through his phone. Kit sighed, he knew about Phana's obsession with perfection, with earning his father's approval... he had known since the day they met!! It is ingrained in his cells and something that can't be changes overnight.

"But whatever.... I like the fact that people get to experience the Phana that I know... playful and kind" Kit got up, "now – take this, your eyes looks like you have been crying!" he threw a pair of shades! He thought it might have been a reaction to chlorine but what he never expected was his words to be true.


Ming stood at the back as he desperately avoided the senior moon who looked hot as hell in a simple white shirt and jean, the black shades he was wearing completed his look perfectly. "Did something happen?" Yo asked his friend when he spotted how silent the other was, "everything okay with you?"

He shook his head as he focused on the shorter "I am calling it off, you were right!! I need to stop before I do something stupid" he sighed, but a corner of his mind wondered – it was photoshoot at sunset; why was the campus moon wearing shades if it is going be dark soon, but he pushed that thought aside.

"Wanna get drunk?" Ming asked, "I really want to drink... let's sneak out after this shoot". Yo sighed; he had never seen that troubled expression on his always happy go lucky friend. This version of serious Ming is new to him.

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