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Phana shifted uncomfortably, he was yet again alone without his friends to manage the campus moon photoshoot gathering, as a certain junior moon kept glaring – not looking or flirting but simple glaring at him from afar. He tried to ignore it, but both his annoyance and frustration was reaching a point where it was becoming hard for him to pretend not to have noticed. He walked towards Ming who continued to maintain eye contact despite the situation.

"what the fuck is your problem?" Phana stood tall in front of the engineering moon effectively scaring his friends from moon gathering away. 

Ming got up and met him eye to eye, "You are my fucking problem... they way you have dressed exposing those toned arms and chest muscles is my problem" he snarled back.

"What?" Phana was taken aback by the sudden surge of anger that exploded from the other.

 "first of all, what they hell were you thinking of wearing such a low cut sleeveless tank top that again white to a photoshoot by water?" Ming continued without giving Phana a chance to respond, "on top of it... do you even notice that you are getting sunburned... your arms are turning red already... and I bet my life you don't have sunscreen applied or even carry one for that matter"

"Are you for serious?" Phana stepped back instantly when Ming extended his arms but the other ignored and dragged Phana by his right hand under the shade where all juniors were resting with make up on, took out a small tube of sunscreen from his chair and extended it. "Don't make me apply it on you"

Phana watched in horror as Ming started opening the tube, "you are crazy" he took the tube and tried to step back but Ming pulled him back, "you are not steeping out of this shade unless you are covered with that damm sunscreen" he said seriously, "or better yet.... Wear a fucking full-hand shirt doing us both a favour".

Ming waited patiently for Phana to scold him or something or even a punch to land on his face but neither happened, instead he saw the campus moon put on the sunscreen in silence.

 "There" Phana gave back the tube, "now don't get your make up messed up because your shoot starts in next 15 minutes." With that Phana walked away as Ming continued to watch him.

"He is so damm unpredictable" Ming sat down in frustration, "why can't he ever react how I think he will", he turned to Yo, whose presence both had ignored until that second.

"I would have tried if I can predict that" Yo said with a smile, "but seriously – be honest with me for a second.... You really were worried about him getting sunburned aren't you. It was not an act"

Ming was, but he would be dammed if he accepted that out loud "In your... no, in his dreams" he said with a smirk. "It will be all over once I sleep with him" he said more to himself than to Yo, who just shrugged and started scrolling on his phone.


Phana took a deep breathe to calm his heart as he walked back, he had expected Ming to get furious because he had not taken up his offer to sleep with him but never in a million years, he would have expected him to say what he said, and do what he had done. Forth was right, Ming was indeed trouble with a capitol T. he carefully avoided looking at Ming for rest of the day.

"Oh my god" he heard a loud voice, "you are getting roasted" Kit joined him with a huge grin. "You forgot the sunscreen, didn't you?" he started to check his pockets but Phana stopped him "I have it on". Kit tilted his head as he observed Phana, "they why do still you like a tomato?"

"I do not" Phana gritted his teeth, but Kit shook his head "if not for the sun – I would say you are blushing... I mean your ears and neck kinda of turn pink only if you are embarrassed" he winked, "someone managed to crack your walls?" he looked around and found none looking at them.

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