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"It is just a weekend vacation – it is not like the world will stop if you are joining us" Kit said, frustration evident in his voice, "if anyone needs a break it is you"

Phana shook his head, "not when I will be the only single person! Do you know how much of a pain it is to be a 9th wheel?" he looked at the email from Phor sharing a video of his youngest playing with the plushie he had presented. His uncle had been in constant touch with Phana ever since the visit and he played along.

Kit paused, took a deep breath "Okay... do what makes you comfortable"

Beam looked in shock, he was not ready to give up yet.

He took held Phana's cheeks in both his hand and lifted it, forcing the other to look at him in the eye "screw him, please come with me... Phana" Beam looked at Phana with puppy eyes, "I still have a long way to go with my internship and it would be nice if we can spend time together"

"But Beam, you will be with Forth and Kit will have Prae... what will I do?" Phana managed to say the words with great difficulty as Beam still held his face in a strong grip.

"Forth can spend time with his friends, and Kit with Prae. You be with me" Beam pouted like that of a child, "I will miss you the most"

"What?" Phana raised his eyebrows and even Kit leaned in, "I mean... I miss you the most"

"Ouch" Kit said loudly as he smacked the back of Beams head.

"Please... please... please" Beam was down almost in tears. If he was indeed pregnant then it might become a lot more complex, and he wanted to spend time with his friends while he had a chance. He was being selfish, but for once he didn't care.

"Do you not love me anymore?" Beam asked finally knowing the other will yield, "Did you throw me away because I got married to Forth?"

Phana sighed, "fine! I will come but you are keeping your promise and staying with me"

Beam smiled but on the contrary Kit had a serious face, "I am not comfortable bringing Prae along... she might be the only girl. We can both hang out together"

"don't be ridiculous" Phana said with a smile, "I know she would love to hang out with us... and I like her company"

Kit nodded, but he made a note to spend more time with the taller... knowing his heartbreak.


Phana, Can we talk now? It is important

The text message from his uncle had left Phana feeling weird, while he definitely was not comfortable with On but he was a unsure when it came down to his uncle and absolutely adored his younger cousins.

He gave Phor a call as soon as he was outside, Kit was playing in his room while Beam had left home. "Hello" his call was answered in a soft voice "sorry, I just got Preti to sleep... I will make it quick and won't take much of your time"

"Sure" Phana said as he continued to walk in his usual path, "what happened"

"Nothing" Phor said, "we have a board meeting in another couple of months and there is a notion to replace your father as Chairman"

"Hmmm" when Phana didn't say more "I am suggesting your name to be next Chairman, you are young, talented, our staffs love you and so does the board... and most of all, you are everything that your father is trying to oppress.

"You mean because I am a carrier" Phana said, not really minding where he was walking "I doubt if the board even knows me"

"You are kidding right?" Phor asked, "the second I suggested your name, everyone agreed"

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