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Ming woke up startled when his 4 AM alarms started buzzing, he immediately put it on silent so not to disturb the sleeping figure next to him, who had nestled himself closer to Ming but had almost curled up in a fetal position. 

It was hard for Ming to believe the strong, cold medical moon had such childlike sleeping habits.

He simply turned on his side and ran his fingers through Phana's hair, the smell of whiskey was strong, but the sleeping face portrayed nothing but innocence. 

A smile spread through him as he recollected how Phana had dared him to take away his safe place and then wrapped himself around him not allowing to move.

He didn't exactly beg but fought with him instead not to leave him alone. "You really are weird" Ming said in a loud whisper "I guess I need to start working out more if I need to be able to handle you better" he stopped himself and pulled back.

Phana made him feel fuzzy, he triggered his protective side yet made him an insatiable beast. He had been mad jealous when he had seen Phana with another man yesterday... he has always been jealous of Beam no explanation required and it had killed him when Phana had said Beam and Kit were his home, at the same time he was ready for murder.

This was all something he had never been with his exes, one or the other reason they might have caught his attention and when they broke up he moved on without a second thought. With Phana it was the physical attraction at first but he definitely felt more.

Ming questioned himself as turned on his back and stared at the ceiling, has he ever loved any of his exes – the answer was No.

It was all different with Phana, He was desperate to make Phana say yes, at first he thought it was out of his competitive nature but he realized he had spent almost half of his first year in college thinking about his senior, after whom none had interested him... girls, boys none. It was like only Phana filled his brain.

Ming continued to run his fingers through older's hair  softly as his mind raced.

He didn't realize before, but Ming had not even flirted with anyone – like seriously flirted his way into someone's bed. The thought had not even occurred to him, none looked even attractive in that way, any way... except for Phana who was sexy, cute, handsome and beautiful all at the same time. A glimpse of him put him in a good mood. He spent the day picking up fights or frowning when he thought about how the other avoids him.


Ming woke up startled, he scanned around only to find himself in Phana's room. He sighed as he looked at the man sitting by the chair looking at him with an unreadable expression. He checked the time it as almost 9 but he had couple of hours more before his first class started.

"Good morning" Phana said, he vaguely remembered the previous night events and had a text from Pete to say Ming helped him get back to his room, but he had thought Pete was some stranger who was hitting on him. He mentioned the part where he had gladly watched Ming continue with the wrong assumption too.

"So, is it him... or you have started sleeping with random people in the bar?" Ming asked not bothering to talk about anything else.

"Why don't you freshen up... I have coffee" Phana got up, "and for your information Pete is my brother... younger brother"

"Oh" Ming looked surprised and embarrassed for a second, "why did he not say that... are you lying to me?"

"What can I say, he has a weird sense of humor" Phana ignored the second part of Ming's question. He showed him the text message from Pete and Ming nodded. "You said Beam and Kit were your home... what did you mean by it?"

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