~ 06 ~

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"Can I join you Phi?" a hesitant voice broke Phana's concentration. It has been a couple of weeks since the campus moon competition, Beam was out having lunch with Forth and Kit had gone home as he was sick. He has been trying to distract himself by finishing his additional paper to change the anatomy grade.

"I am busy" Phana said without looking up, "just don't disturb me... do what you want" he responded without looking up, usually no one would approach their table if the three were together but off late people had been trying to get close to him for one or other reason and it was driving him mad.

"but.. but" the said male voice stuttered, "I came here to talk to you about fundraiser".

Phana finally looked up to see Ming stand there with a folder and a plate of food he had picked up in their café, "I have class at 1 ... so I thought I can have lunch and talk to you"

"you could have texted me" Phana said, but he also moved his books making room for Ming to place his food.

"Dean had handed over this document – she said you know the procedure?!" he extended the folder, "if you are uncomfortable... I can eat alone"

Phana felt guilty, his reaction had left an ever smiling, easy going and friendly person to doubt his actions. He can see how different this Ming was from what he had met before. 

He forced himself to smile, "it's okay... eat, let me also get something"

"Ah... I would have gotten something for you too if I had known" Ming smiled, feeling happy that Phana didn't shy away from his proximity. 

"No worries" Phana got up, he quickly looked around and as expected some people were looking intently at his direction. He sighed and Ming noticed how the older was scanning his surroundings.

He continued to eat in silence but very slowly, he had taken care of the fan page – they can post any and all pictures that depicted Phana's beauty but none of him with others. He had to threaten the group of girls and guys to shut them up... and struck a deal... he would personally share his pictures and information as they wanted another to be created for the current campus moon.

"Are you part of some mafia... like someone's someone special?" Ming asked the minute Phana sat with him, "or are you some kind of royalty in disguise and there can be no scandal that will impact you taking over the crown in future".

Phana looked stunned for a second before he burst out laughing, "kept person or royalty.... That's your conclusion based on what?"

"No... it is just that it seemed that you got into trouble because our video got posted" Ming explained, "I am trying to figure out why?"

"let it be... nothing weird recently and it is all okay" Phana said as he started eating his ramen, "though I don't want trouble that will follow us sharing a table... but I can handle it!"

Ming noticed the edge to Phana's words and that made him a little bit concerned. What mess is his senior gotten himself in. Does he have a controlling partner? A complicated family background? From what he had gathered Phana had never shown interest in anyone other than his friends – who seem to be having relationship on their own... or maybe he is secretly in love with one or both of them ... he couldn't help but think of various scenarios.

"Ming?" Phana called seeing how his junior had zoned out.

"so which one is it?" Ming pushed but Phana simply shrugged.

"Phi... can I be honest?" Ming asked suddenly, "it is just that I cannot feel something and pretend as if I don't have anything to say... it feels weird... like I am not being op..."

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