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"Are you even sleeping?" Kit frowned as he looked at the other, "it is not like we have so much of a workload too". Phana just mumbled that he is tired as he rested his head against the desk as soon as their professor walked out.

"Did hear you" Kit leaned in closer, "say that again?"

"I am tired" Phana said a little bit louder this time, "was working on our groups portfolio"

Kit leaned back as he packed his bag, "I seriously don't understand you... had I been in your place I would have gladly aided Phor", when he realized that Phana has dozed off he took out his phone and texted Prae that he will have lunch with Phana and not to wait for him.

Luckily, they didn't have any class for rest of the day, so he also leaned back and dialed another familiar number, that was answered on fourth ring

"Hey Kitty"

"When are you coming back?"

"I told you, I still have 10 days before I finish Kit... can't make it go any faster"

"Hmmm... am worried Beam, this idiot is overdoing it"

"that's him" Beam sighed "Kit – can I ask you something?"

"Sure" Kit replied not liking the serious tone Beam had used

"Take care of Phana will you?" Beam spoke softly, "he doesn't speak about it... but I think he is still hung-up on that"

"You are here too... why me" Kit said, "not that I won't, he stood by me all this time and I would gladly take a bullet for him, for you... but for some reason he prefers you!"

Beam smiled, "someone is jealous?"

"Am possessive" Kit said simply, "Prae, you and Phana are the only three that matters for me after my parents. So, get your ass back here... am getting bored with all serious Phana"

There was silence on another line for some time after which Beam added "I may not be with you guys all the time"

"Neither will I nor him for that matter, I get it... but that doesn't mean you won't be here" Kit argued, "internship, and then masters... we can do it together"

"Kit" Beam sighed and paused "nothing... just take care of him for me, and yourself too"

Kit sat up straight "is everything okay?" to which Beam quickly answered "am just overthinking as usual... just take care of each other for me and I will see you guys soon. I have to go now; my break is over" with that the call got disconnected.

Kit frowned at his phone, it was a weird conversation but then he noticed Phana stir which made him smile "come on sleepyhead – let's get some food in you and get you geared up for the war next week"

Phana gave him a smile, "who were you speaking too? Prae?"

"No, Beam" Kit responded as he stood up and Phana frowned, "he must be busy, he has not picked up my calls ever since we went to the beach"

"Yeah... his internship is harder" Kit chuckled, "but he was just asking me to take care of you until he is back"

Phana smiled, "I thought something was wrong... maximum we communicated was only via text"

"He spoke hardly for 5 minutes" Kit said, "heard it is the same story with Forth from Lam... apparently except for their weekend visits, Beam is almost MIA"

"I don't like this combination of you and Lam" Phana mumbled they both started walking out of their classroom "not one bit"

Kit laughed, "really?"

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