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"Are you practicing telekinesis?" Kit nudged Phana, "you are not that great. The scalpel isn't going to move by itself and perform the incision... try using your hand".

"What?" Phana looked up at his friend's face. "what's wrong?" Kit said softly, "did all go well at home?"

"Hmmm, better than expected." the taller nodded before looking up at the slide his lecture was presenting detailing on the type of incisions and instruments to be used, "it is weird without Beam" Kit said as he looked to his left side, "our table feels empty"

"I know right" Phana sighed, "Is he still packing?"

"I think so" Kit said, "you are going to see him or not"

Phana shook his head, "don't think Forth would appreciate us hogging his time" he sighed, "don't think even Beam would like that, let them have this time together"

"That makes sense" Kit sighed, "join us for lunch?"

"Nope" Phana smiled, "not going to be a third wheel either"

"You know" Kit started but Phana sushed him "listen to the class, if you don't want a lawsuit for cutting wrong nerves"

"I am not that bad" Kit rolled his eyes but dropped the topic until the lecture and their practical was over. "You going to the dorm?" he asked packing his bag, but Phana shook his head "I will tell you guys later, but" he straightened up making Kit pause at the serious tone "but what?"

"Wish me luck?" Phana stuttered, a soft pick coloring his face "I promise to tell you if things go well"

Kit looked at Phana's expression for a minute silently without responding making the other nervous, but a soft smile formed on his face "When things go well" Kit stressed "you owe me the full story and a party"

Phana smiled, "I promise"

"Just remember what you told me when I was worried about Prae" Kit said, "You are the best and you just have to believe it" making the other shake his head, "I was a pompous ass wasn't I?"

"You are" Kit shrugged, "but I don't know why... it helped me then. Maybe it is just that you have my back like I have yours"

"Thank you" Phana said, "I don't think I have ever told you that"

"Just go before you get all sappy and break that ice king image" Kit smiled as he started to walk "I will be in the café waiting for Prae, and then you know how to reach me"


Phana walked into the engineering campus hoping to find Ming when the other didn't answer his phone and stopped instantly when he saw Beam. He sighed, he had not expected him to be there but again, it was risk he willingly took.

"Hey" Phana walked in closer and just stood by the table... he knew that they had some weird rule that no one can just like that sit in hazers table. "What are you doing here?" Beam asked, "I thought you had something important."

"er.. hmm" Phana mumbled, "nothing... I just wanted to ... hmm.." he swallowed, shooting a glance at Forth to save him and the other just shrugged with a smile. Phana swallowed, thinking if he should come clean to Beam but he had wanted to talk to Ming first and then to both Kit and Beam at the same time.

"come sit" Forth pulled in his hand and made him sit down at Park's spot. Beam looked at Forth once and then at Phana, silently observing them.

"I had some campus moon business" Phana said in a soft voice, trying his best not to stutter as he lied again to his best friend. Beam gave him a sharper look "something that that current moon can't do?"

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