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Ming watched Phana from afar as he smoked away from the main building, Phana was helping medical staff set things up yet again, it had surprised him to see how polite he was with them even though technically they were all working for him. He could not help being impressed.

Since the previous night he was torn, he had heard Phana's silent confession I miss you, Ming simple yet powerful words that wanted him to throw caution to the wind and beg the other to be his, but Yo's smiling face flashed before his eyes, and he stayed put.

"You had your chance last night" Ming heard someone yell, "it is not my fault he stayed up all night and you fell asleep" He was about to walk away when he heard Bill's voice loud and clear "let me try again tonight and tomorrow you can"

He stopped, a nagging feeling rose up in his head that they might be talking about Phana and he moved in closer "what can you even do?" it was San and Bill talking and it made Ming grind his teeth but as he was about to say something they both walked away talking together all he could hear was "I have a plan".

The day went without much event, to their credit things went smooth from the medical camp perspective, they were able to help out at the orphanage and have fun. Ming had spent most of his day keeping an eye out for Phana who had spent the day working with medical team and evening with the kids – yet again that baby boy 'Bi' stuck to him.

Prae had earlier warned him to concentrate but he could only think of taking away and hiding the older somewhere safe from the prying eyes... but he also had enjoyed watching him have fun with the kids. 

There were couple of occasions he tried to join but got pulled into one or the other thing.

Soon, it was dinner time, and he could see both San and Bill, along with Mark crowd Phana and Prae as they had dinner – offering one or the other thing that the elder kept declining. He couldn't do much, so he stayed with his group as they had dinner.

Phana noticed how Ming would glance at him every now and then but gave him his space. Ming never once approached him making his intentions clear. He was wanted no more.


Phana was exhausted, the sleeplessness from the previous night and the days busy activities were catching up so he simple laid on his spot with his back turned against the other boys who were busy playing or on their phone and closed his eyes.

Kit and Beam had called to check in on him once, so did Pete and Ten. But this loneliness he felt seemed to only grow... he loved it when Bi was with him, he could not understand his desperate need to be needed.

He closed his eyes as thoughts drifted away but sleep seemed to evade him yet again.

Phana heard the boys bid good night and turn off the light, he slightly moved away when he felt Bill laydown close to him, but continued to keep his eyes closed as he once again thought about Ming

He didn't know how much time had passed when he felt someone press against his back and a hand wrapping around him. He sighed, pushed it away and got up walking out of the room towards the boy's bathroom.

Ming frowned when he saw Bill and San follow Phana, he could not sleep as well but ignored it. If anything, he might have to only take those two idiots to the hospital.

But as clocked ticked by he felt restless... Yes, Phana was strong and capable of taking care of himself. Yes, he was now dating Yo... but it doesn't mean he can't check... right?

He rushed outside and started to run when he couldn't find any of them outside. Relief flooded him when he saw a tall figure leaning against the wall, one kneeling and another flat on the ground.

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