Chapter 23

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A/N: I WAS NOT PLANNING ON UPDATING TODAY BUT IT IS THE AMAZETASTIC JACK JOHNSON'S BIRTHDAY! He is officially 19. THIS IS NOT A DRILL! Basically I'm doing a chapter dedicated to his birthday. How, and I'm curious. How do you guys feel about Jadison? (Jack Gilinsky and Madison Beer) Personally I don't approve. I want them to be happy and all but he's like 3 years older than her... and she's already had a thing with both Hayes and Cameron. No hate! It's just my opinion! Okay LETS GET THIS CHAPTER STARTED!
Hayes looks at me, smirking, then back at the closed door.
I nod and count down from 3 on my fingers.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JACK!" We scream simultaneously, bursting through the door.
Jack J stares at us sleepily from his bed, then puts his face back down on his pillow and waves goodbye.
"Ah, I am offended!" I complain to Hayes as we walk back out.
Hayes smirks again. "If he wants to play like that, we will play like that."
I furrow my eyebrows. "What are we going to do?"
He puts his arm on my shoulder and leads me downstairs. "We get Jack and Sam and Nash to help us pretend we forgot. We'll have to hide the others and get JJ out of the house for awhile, though."
"How are we going to pretend we forgot if we just screamed happy birthday to him?" I ask, crossing my arms.
Hayes frowns. "Hopefully he'll forget about that. If he didn't, just pretend it never happened. You're a good actress, Chris. We can pull it off."
He finishes by planting a kiss on my cheek.
"We have to tell the others!" I announce. I grab Hayes's hand and drag him into the living room where all the boys- literally, all of them: Aaron, Taylor, Carter, Matt, my idiot brother, Sammy, Cameron, Nash, Shawn, and even Brent- were waiting.
"Where is he?" Taylor asks.
Hayes rolls his eyes. "Sassy McSasserson was too lazy to get out of bed, so we have a new plan. Everybody who he doesn't know is here needs to hide. We are all pretending we forgot his birthday. Who volunteers to get him out of the house so we can set up a party?"
Nash raises his hand. "I volunteer as tribute!"
Suddenly, JJ's bedroom door opens.
"Shit!" I hiss.
"Language!" Jack scolds.
I wave him off and see that all the boys have found various hiding places.
Except Brent, who was very confused and walking around aimlessly.
At the last second, Nash shoves him behind the couch and he and Sam run into the kitchen while Jack and I pretend to argue about cereal and Hayes sits to the side, laughing.
"Hey guys..." JJ greets us.
"Oh hey bro, you're up early," Jack comments.
Johnson raises an eyebrow. "Yeah, because those two woke me up."
Hayes puts on a very convincing confused face. "What? We've been down here all morning."
"No, you definitely came in my room..." JJ says slowly.
"Jack, they've been with me in here. Are you feeling okay?" My brother asks him.
Jack J rubs his head, obviously confused, and walks into the kitchen.
"Everybody go to Chrissa's room!" Jack whispers urgently.
The boys all emerge from their hiding places and sprint up the stairs into my room.
Nash and Jack walk back out of the kitchen.
"What do you mean? Why do I need to go with you?" JJ asks.
"Because I will get lost!" Nash replies.
Hayes looks up from his phone. "Where are you going?"
"To the mall, apparently." JJ sighs.
"Ooh, fun!" I smile.
Nash grins. "Yeah! Come on before all the weirdos get there!"
He grabs Johnson's arm and pulls him to the old pickup truck.
Hayes runs up to get the boys, Jack finds the decorations, and I take over the kitchen.
"Jack! What's his favorite cake?" I ask loudly.
"Chocolate with chocolate frosting!" He screams back.
"Crap!" I sigh. "We're all out. Who wants to take me to the store?"
"MATT! MATT DOES!" Matt yells, running into the kitchen.
I grin. "Yay! Thanks Matt!"
"Get some more balloons, too!" Jack instructs as we walk out.
"Will do!" Matt replies.
We walk to his car in silence, and get in without a word.
He looks me in the eye and raises his eyebrow like a question.
In response, I nod solemnly.
What the hell just happened, you ask? Well, we have just unspokenly started a silence contest. Whoever speaks first loses.
Matt stares straight ahead as he drives, and opens his mouth to yell as someone cuts him off. Instead, he slowly closes it, glances at me, and slams on the horn instead.
He pulls up at the store, jumps out of the car, and sprints inside before I can even react.
I roll my eyes and get out looking less like a crazy person and stroll inside normally.
Matt runs into me grasping a box of chocolate cake mix and a jar of chocolate frosting.
I give him a thumbs up, but grab his wrist and drag him back to the cake aisle.
He gives me a questioning look. I wave him off and pick up a pack of colorful frosting to decorate, sprinkles, and candles.
Matt nods in understanding.
I love how we can have entire conversations without saying anything. We just get each other, man.
I run to the party section with Mattchu on my heels and look around. I grab balloons as Jack wanted, but after careful consideration, decide to also pick up noisemakers and a plastic crown that says "Birthday Boy" on it.
Matt gives me a thumbs up to show his approval, and we walk to the checkout lane.
The cashier smiles. "Hello! What can I do for you?"
I smile politely and hand the old man our amazing purchase.
He scans it and squints at us. "You both look very familiar. I just can't quite place it. Y'all from around here?"
Matt gulps and looks at me. I simply nod.
The man finishes bagging our stuff, and while Matt pays, looks at me.
"Are you by any chance from that vine app that my granddaughter always shows me?"
I grin and nod.
"Cat got your tongue? I mean, can you speak, dear?" He asks.
I shake my head frantically and point to Matt, sliding my hand back and forth across my neck.
Somehow, from my lunatic movements, he understood. "Quiet game? Young'uns still play that?"
Matt nods for me and we collect the bags.
I wave and blow him a kiss, and Matt gives him a salute.
The old cashier chuckles as we walk out of the store side by side.
We hop in the car and drive back to prepare for the party.
Well, guys! Is it weird that when I was writing this, my brother tried to talk to me and I did the same thing as Chrissa and Matt and wouldn't talk automatically. Yeah, that's weird. And now I'm talking to myself. Anyway do not be alarmed! I am posting the next chapter tonight. I just decided that this one was getting really long, so I thought, hey! How about I write two long chapters instead of one super mega long chapter that will make you feel uncomfortable? Don't judge that, I get really uncomfortable during mega long chapters because I can't stop in the middle. Like I have to finish it idk man it's weird. I don't know if you guys are like that but I am. Have a nice day and sorry for the long authors note! I just don't know how to stop talking.
You are all lovely!

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