Chapter 28

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Jack puts his hand on my shoulder as we walk in.
Bart meets us immediately. "Oh thank God, I thought you weren't coming! Jack, go meet Jack at your table. Chrissa, you're free to do what you want but don't get into trouble."
Jack walks obediently to his table, so I go to the general area where the boys are and end up behind Carter and Matt. Neither see me.
"I wonder where the Gilinsky's are...." Matt wonders out loud as he signs a hoodie.
Carter glances at him. "I have no idea. I haven't seen Chrissa since yesterday or Jack since he ran out without telling anyone where he was going this morning."
Matt shakes his head. "Hope they're alright."
"Wait, Jack didn't even tell you?" I ask them.
They both spin around and scream.
"I WAS WORRIED ABOUT YOU!" Carter scolds.
"What did you do?!?" Matt asks, gesturing to my arm.
I open my mouth to respond, but Cameron screams my name and runs over, hugging me tightly.
"As much as I love you, Cam, your fans are getting impatient. Same goes to you two," I tell the boys.
Reluctantly, Cam lets go of me and walks back to his table.
"Wait, but how did you break it?" Carter asks.
"I fell and it got run over by car..." I trail off when I see a familiar face in the line. The girl who pushed me.
"Uhm..... I love you guys but I still need to see everyone else, bye!" I run off without further explanation and they both watch me go, puzzled looks on their faces.
I try to sneak past the other boys, but unsuccessfully.
Shawn grabs my good arm as I try to walk past.
"Hey Chris! We've all been wondering where you we-" He cuts off when his eyes land on my sling. "Are you ok?"
"Yeah! Fine!" I reply. "Sorry to scare all of you like that."
He ruffles my hair. "How did you break it?"
I retell my story while he signs a phone case.
"Ouch! A car?" He winces, rubbing his own arm.
"Yeah, a car," I laugh. "I'm fine though."
A fan runs up and hugs him, so I go ahead and sit down on his table.
I don't mind staying with Shawn. He's a sweetheart and won't question me if I don't want to tell. Besides, he's at a table alone today and is the last one, so I won't have to deal with the other guys if I stay here.
For the next hour, I watch him sign things, take pictures, and give out a lot of hugs.
To my surprise, a little girl runs up to me instead of Shawn.
"Oh my gosh! Chrissa Gilinsky! Can you sign my shirt? Is your arm okay?" She asks.
I smile and take a sharpie off the table and sign her t-shirt. "Yeah, my arm is fine! Thanks for asking!"
She squeals. "I've been to every table trying to find you! Hayes said that you're not here, but I'm glad I kept looking!"
I climb down from the table and hug her. "You've been trying to find me? That's so sweet! And Hayes wasn't lying on purpose, he doesn't know I'm here."
The girl takes out her phone. "Oh, that makes sense! Can I take a picture?"
I smile while she takes the picture. "What's your name?"
"My name's Kenzie!" She calls over her shoulder as her mom pulls her away.
I look over and notice Shawn smiling at me.
"What are you smiling about?" I ask him.
The security guards work on clearing the girls out of the VIP area so that we can start the show.
He smiles even bigger. "Sam told me a secret."
I freeze. "He wouldn't."
"He didn't mean to, but he did. Sing a song!" Shawn begs.
I shake my head. "No way."
He pouts. "I'm going to get you to sing."
We walk backstage together, and I shake my head. "Good luck with that, Shawny Bear."
"HEY, JACK'S HERE!" Someone yells.
I wince. "I'm about to get crowded, aren't I?"
Shawn laughs. "Here, I'll protect you. Get on my back."
Even though it's a bad idea, I climb onto his back and let him carry me backstage.
As expected, the boys I haven't seen yet freak out.
"Chill, guys!" Shawn says loudly. "She's kind of overwhelmed. Pain meds, remember?"
They all manage to calm down, and Jack tells them what happened.
I rest my head on Shawn's shoulder, happy to have a break. The thing I didn't tell anyone was that the medicine is actually exhausting me, but somehow my Canadian friend caught on.
"Put me on one of those chairs before the show starts," I mumble, closing my eyes.
He doesn't answer, so I just listen to the commotion around me.
I stay that way until Mahogany starts calling names, and the boys file out one by one.
"Okay, Shawn. Put me down," I tell him with a yawn.
"But the audience wants to see you," he complains.
Before I can say anything else, his name is called, and he runs out with me still on his back.
"Shawn!" I whine, clinging on for dear life.
"Chris!" He mocks me, with obviously no intention of putting me down.
Finally, he sets me in a chair by Mahogany.
"Oh my God! Chrissa, what happened?" She asks worriedly.
I look at her and half smile. "I fell and my arm got run over by a car."
She gasps a little. "That's terrible! Does it feel okay?"
"Yeah, fine-" I reply, cutting off when I feel warm lips pressed against the side of my head.
I turn to see Hayes there, smiling like an idiot.
"Hi, Hayesy," I greet him.
"Hey, Chrissa. I have to perform, but I'm glad you're okay," He tells me before running back to the others.
I smile at him. Maybe sitting through the event won't be as bad as I thought- as long as I don't have to talk to that girl.
OKAY ANOTHER CHAPTER HAS BEEN WRITTEN! Did you like it? Are we all going to die? Do llama mamas tolerate drama? Carrots or broccoli? Corn or peas? If your dog had kittens what would you do? Frog bait?
QOTD- do you enjoy setting things on fire?
my answer- YES
Leave your answers to all of these questions in the comments and have a fantastic day!

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