Chapter 37

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I changed the plot a little, sorry if you don't like it but it's my book soooo
Basically I realized that this story has basically no storyline whatsoever, so I created drama. Song in the bar is She Bad by Cam

"Hey, Chris!" Shawn greets me as I walk into the Toronto airport.

"Shawny!" I squeal, jumping into his arms. "I haven't seen you for two weeks!"

He laughs and hugs me. "I know, I missed you. I'm glad you're here, though! I needed some help with music related stuff!"

Finally, a little bit of peace.


"No! Get the guitar pick out of your mouth and concentrate!" I scold, trying with all my might not to laugh at his goofiness.

Shawn pulls the pick out of his mouth and makes a face, which in turn causes me to fail miserably at my not-laughing, so he laughs too.

I smack his arm and pick the page of lyrics on the desk next to us and examine them, chewing my lip.

"So, I think it would sound better if the chords were like this..." I suggest, strumming a series of notes on the guitar.

"Here, try it again, and I'll sing along to see," he smiles, regaining his seriousness.

I repeat the chords I just strummed, and this time he sings along. Something big I feel it happening, out of my control...

"That sounds a lot better!" He exclaims delightedly. "Write them down, please!"

Smiling, I write down the notes above the lyrics while he looks over another verse.

"Okay, so I think the next verse should go It's like that feeling when you're 'bout to win the medal," he continues, deep in thought. "But I can't think of the next line."

"Hmm," I think aloud. "Medal, pedal, kettle, settle..."

"Settle!" He interrupts, "Settle, settle settle... you knew you wouldn't settle? Um, let's see, Its like that feeling when you're 'bout to win the medal... and you wouldn't settle? Doesn't sound quite right..."

I frown and tap the table with my pencil, repeating the rhythm of the first verse. "And you knew you knew you wouldn't settle... and you... I got it! And you worked so hard that you knew you wouldn't settle!"

"You're a genius!" Shawn praises, then tries testing out the lyric with the rest of the song.

A satisfied smile sticks on my face as I listen to the song come together. It's going to be a huge hit, I can feel it.

Suddenly, my phone rings, interrupting my concentration on my guitar. I pick it up and roll my eyes. The caller ID reads "Hayesy Boo"... I should really change the contact name.

I'll have to talk to him sooner or later, so I decide to get it over with. "I have to take this..." I whisper to Shawn, leaving the room.

Taking a deep breath, I hit the answer button. "Hello?"

"Why did you leave?" Hayes demands. "I didn't say you could leave."

"Gee Hayes, I wonder why I left? Maybe because you were doing what you just did! You can't control my life," I growl, trying not to raise my voice.

He lets out a long sigh. "You didn't have to leave."

"Didn't I, though?" I ask sarcastically.

"At least tell me where you went."

"I don't think you want to know," I copy his annoyed tone.

He groans. "Don't be difficult, just tell me."

"If you absolutely must know, I'm staying with Shawn until next magcon, and you know what? You can't even be mad at me, because he's here for me and you aren't," I hiss angrily.

"Shawn? SHAWN? Out of all the people you could've stayed with, you chose Shawn?" He questions, his voice raising.

"Yeah! I did. Is there a problem with that?" I ask, purposely lacing venom into an otherwise innocent tone.

"Yes! There is! He's the reason we're fighting in the first place!" Hayes says.

"No, Hayes," I sigh. "He's not. You are. Now I told you to call me when you decided to calm your ass down, not to call me and yell at me some more."

"I'm not calm but obviously I would call because I was worried about you! But of course you went straight to Shawn," he spits Shawn's name out like it was a foul bit of food.

I frown, rubbing my head. "You know, Hayes, I think we should take a break. Obviously if you think I'm dating my best friend behind your back, you have trust issues, and that's not a healthy relationship."

"Y-you're breaking up with me?" His voice cracks a little, which just about breaks my heart. Stay strong Chrissa, you have to do this...

"Yeah," I sigh. "I am. Bye Hayes." I press the end call button before the conversation can continue, and silence my phone in case he calls back.

"I tried not to listen, I really did... but you were talking loud and it was hard to ignore," Shawn apologizes as soon as I walk into the room.

I sit next to him and lean my head on his shoulder. "Its okay."

He stays silent for a few seconds before whispering, "I'm sorry that I came between you and Hayes... I never meant to-"

"It wasn't your fault," I cut him off quickly. "It wasn't your fault at all, Shawn. It was his."

Shawn wraps his arm around my shoulder, and we sit in silence for a little while. "Are you okay?" He asks softly.

"No, not really," I sigh. "I really thought that he was perfect for me. I've never seen that side of him before.."

He turns so he's facing me and wraps his arms around me in a hug. "You'll find someone better, Chris. If he thought he could yell at you and control your life, then he wasn't the right one, or he just isn't ready for a relationship. Join me in the single life, Chrissy, it's pretty fun. But for now, if you need a shoulder to cry on, I'm here for you."

I accept his invitation and hug him back, and within a few minutes I'm all out sobbing into my best friend's chest, wishing I'd never gotten involved with Hayes in the first place.

"Why do I care so much?" I whimper.

He squeezes me a little. "That was your first relationship. He was your first kiss. Of course you'll care, Chris, but you'll get over it with time. It's normal to care."

"I'm glad I came to you instead of Jack," I sigh. "As much as I love him, he wouldn't really know what to do.. but how do you know so much about this? Have you...?"

He nods grimly. "It hurt... a lot. I haven't dated since then. But hey, at least I got some experience out of it, and I know how to help you."

I pull back and wipe the tears away from my eyes. "Want to get back to the songwriting?"

He gives me a smile and picks up the lyric sheet. "Sure, now where were we? You being a lyric genius, right?"

I return the small smile and pick up the sheet with him. It may hurt, but at least I have Shawn to help me with it.


So ladies (and possibly gentlemen) that was another chapter! My new plot twist:



You don't even care why am I bothering you?

So I'm trying to decide whether Chrissa should get back with Hayes and I can use that to continue the book, or if she should end up with Shawn. Usually I don't ask for storyline ideas but I'd like the input if yall could take 10 seconds out of your life and comment your opinions, that would be phenomenal. Thanks for reading, loves! Tune into the next chapter when it's written! It'll be sometime this week, but no promises of when.

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