Chapter 26

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Guys I'm writing AGAIN! Spring break is the best.
I set my stuff down in the room and let out a sigh.
Honestly there are a million things I'd rather do than swim, but I guess I'll go anyway. Mostly so I can see the boys, but I guess it can't be that bad.
I grab my blue bikini out of my suitcase and walk into the bathroom to change.
Within no time, I'm all suited up and ready to swim... after I put my hair up, of course. (Swimsuit picture in sidebar)
It takes a bit of wrestling, but eventually I manage to get my hair into a neat high ponytail.
I grab a flowy green sundress to put on over my swimsuit and some green flip flops.
Finally, I'm ready to go to the pool.
I skip down the stairs and into the lobby, where the lady looks super bored.
She stares at her computer screen without saying anything.
"Excuse me ma'am, but where is the pool?" I ask politely.
Without even looking up, she says, "Second floor, first door to your right."
"Thank you!" I call over my shoulder as I jog back up the stairs and to the room to the right.
Sure enough, the boys are all there, and nobody even notices when I walk in.
Taking advantage of the situation, I lay down in a pool chair to soak up some sun while I can.
Sadly, my relaxation is short lived.
"CHRISSA!" Matt screams, jumping out of the pool.
"No, Matt! You're all wet!" I whine as he stands over me and drips water on me.
He makes his famous puppy dog face. "Come swim with me?"
Sighing, I stand up. "Well I can't say no to that."
He dinosaur screeches and dances around while I slip off my sundress.
As if on cue, Matt scoops me up and throws me over his shoulder.
"Really, Matthew?" I groan as he trudges to the pool.
He ignores me and throws me in the water, then jumps in himself.
"Cold," I squeak.
Two arms wrap around me from behind and lift me up out of the water.
"Even colder!" I whine, trying to twist and see who picked me up.
Mystery boy drops me unceremoniously back in the water.
I spin around and lock eyes with Mr. Kian Lawley himself.
"KIAN!" I scream.
"CHRISSA!" He yells back.
I hug him tightly. "I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU SINCE LA!"
He laughs and pats my head. "I know! We gon' have some fun on this trip."
"Are the other boys here?" I ask, gazing around the pool.
"Yeah, lamos are up in the hotel room," he replies. "I think they forgot that you guys are here."
"Losers," I mutter.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, Cam yells, "CHICKEN FIGHT!"
Kian wastes no time in hoisting me onto his shoulders and charging into battle.
Within seconds, I get knocked off and splash Nash.
"Chrissa you failed me!" Kian announces dramatically.
"Sorry," I mutter unapologetically and climb out of the pool. "Who wants to go see the o2l guys?"
A few boys jump out after me and dry themselves off while I put my dress and flip flops back on.
"Kian, what room?" I ask the wild youtuber.
He thinks for a second. "312, but if not in there, try 314."
I give him a thumbs up and walk out with Cam, Aaron, Nash, Matt, and Taylor following.
We cram ourselves into the elevator, and I end up with my back pressed against Cameron.
The elevator opens, and Matt and Taylor literally fall out.
"That is a small elevator," Nash comments, glancing back over his shoulder.
Cameron nods in agreement. "I wonder how many people we can fit in there..."
I stare at him. "I'm not taking part in this."
He shrugs, and we stop at room 312.
Matt puts his ear to the door. "They're in here."
"How are we doing this?" Aaron asks.
"Knock and run?" Taylor suggests.
"YEAH!" Matt, Nash, and Cam yell in unison. Aaron just shakes his head.
They can have fun with that, I'm going to sneak in through 314.
The boys huddle up to think of a plan, while I try the doorknob.
Sure enough, unlocked. I walk into the room and shut the door quietly, then sneak over to the door that joins the rooms.
Thankfully, to make it easier, it's wide open and the boys have their backs turned.
I army crawl under the bed and prepare to watch the show.
A loud knock comes on the door, so Ricky gets up to check it.
Perfect timing, Chrissa! I congratulate myself.
"There's nobody there! Darn kids..." Ricky grumbles in his old man voice.
He walks back over to his seat and sits down right when Taylor knocks again.
Connor sighs. "Are you fucking kidding me?"
He gets up and opens the door to find nobody.
The poor guy only gets about halfway back before they knock again.
"Let me handle this," Jc tells them, standing up. "Its probably Kian."
He opens the door and yells down the hallway. "STOP YOU STUPID IDIOT!" Then shuts it again and walks back.
After a couple of seconds, they knock again.
"Not Kian...." I whisper creepily.
Trevor stiffens. "Did you guys hear that?"
"Hear what?" Sam asks, glaring at the door.
"I swear I heard somebody whisper 'not Kian'..." He tells them.
"Silly Trevy, you're just paranoid," Connor consoles.
"Not paranoid..." I whisper, a little bit louder.
This time, they all freeze.
"Kian?" Jc calls hopefully as Sam takes out a camera and begins recording.
"Not Kian...."
Ricky stands up. "Well this is creepy. I'm going into the other room."
As he walks past my hiding place, I reach out, grab his ankle, and scream at the top of my lungs.
He spazzes out and falls on the ground as the other guys scream and freak out.
I burst out laughing and crawl out from under the bed.
They stare at me in shock, unable to even say anything.
"Chrissa.... I AM GOING TO STRANGLE YOU!" Ricky yells.
I sit on the ground and laugh so hard that tears run out of my eyes. "Y-You should-d have see-een your f-aces..."
Taylor bangs on the door again and Jc's head jerks in that direction.
"Who's that?" He asks. "Kian?"
"Nobody is even going to ask how she got in here?" Trevor asks.
"Jc, it's Nash, Cam, Matt, Aaron, and Taylor. Trevor, y'all are just dumb. I snuck in through the other room a few minutes ago. And no, the other boys didn't know my plan." I explain once I catch my breath.
Connor shakes his head. "You little ninja thing. How do we stop them?"
I grin. "Well, Con, since you ask... You simply have one person waiting in the other room to jump out when they knock."
"Ohhhhh," They all say.
Jc and Ricky run into the other room while I wait by the door.
Sure enough, they knock again, and I open it just in time to see Nash and Taylor getting tackled to the ground.
"Sam, did you get all that?" I ask, laughing.
He nods and shuts off the camera.
The other boys come around the corner to see what happened.
Now, all we need is a way to explain to the hotel about the noise...
Me- well, that's my chapter!
Matt- you should do a conference
Me- oh... I don't know, Matt...
Matt- pwease?
Me- we'll have to ask the readers!
Matt- do you guys want Tay to do a conference?
Me- comment below if you do! So I haven't done a random book shout out in awhile.... Go read any of jerika_bal4 books! They are all really good and IM IN LIKE 2 OF THEM! Anyway, have a lovely day!
~Tay (feat. Mattchu Lee Espinosa)

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