Chapter 42

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I strum my guitar to the tune of Rude by Magic! While Kenny and I sing along to pass the time.

Jack walks in with a camera, and he seems to be giving a tour of the bus, but he turns the camera to film us. "Oh look, it's Chrissa and Kenny having a jam sesh."

From the two days we've been on the road, I've grown to like Kenny. He's really funny, he's a good singer, and he's sweet.

The song ends, and I set my guitar aside as Jack puts the camera away.

"How much longer until Tallahassee?" I ask curiously.

"Only like 15 minutes," Cody answers from the couch.

"Yes!" I exclaim, relieved.

"Are you really that sick of us already?" Nate jokes.

"Well...." I make my voice a little higher pitched than usual.

"Hey!" Sam complains.

"Kidding, kidding," I grin. "I just want to finally see another girl."

"Speaking of, Andrea Russett is one of our guests, but she's the only other girl," JJ tells me.

"I've never met her, but she seems hilarious in her videos," I smile. "Hey Kenny, what song?"

Sam jumps in the seat next to me and takes my guitar.

"How about The Weight?" He suggests.

A grin spreads on my face when he says one of Shawn's songs. "Yeah, that's perfect."

Sammy strums the chords while Kenny starts the song. I join it at the chorus, then sing the next verse on my own. We sing the rest together.

Jack filmed the whole thing without us knowing, so Kenny is going to put it on his YouTube channel.

The bus comes to an abrupt stop, so I jump out of my seat and run outside. "Fresh air! I'm still alive!"

The others come out after me, and we take a look around.

"Wait, we're actually staying in a hotel?" I ask, staring at the building we parked in front of.

"Yeah, did you really think you'd have to be in that bus this entire trip?" Jack asks, nudging me with his elbow.

"Um, yes," I reply in complete seriousness. "And you never told me."

"What's the room situation?" I ask, looking over at JJ since he's more likely to know.

"Kenny and Cody, me and Nate, Jack and Jake, then you and Sammy," he replies, smiling. "Then the other guests are in the other rooms."

"Why are you smiling like that?" I question him suspiciously.

He just shrugs and leads us into the hotel. Immediately, I catch sight of a familiar face.

"Trevor!" I squeal, running forward.

"Chrissa!" He imitates me, also running forward. We dramatically meet in the middle and hug.

"I missed you," He tells me as he lets go and takes a step back.

"I missed you too!" I exclaim. "They didn't tell me you would be here! You know what, Jack give me the guest list."

Reluctantly, he hands it over, and I read over the names. A lot I didn't know, but Jc and Kian's names caught my eye, along with Matt's.

"Matt is here? Where?" I demand excitedly.

"I heard my name," a familiar voice announces.

I spin around, spot my target, and run over to jump on him. "Matt!"

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